= little [less -comp., least -sup.], low [lower -comp., lowest -sup.], scant, trifle, tad, little in the way of.
Ex: Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.
Ex: Carlton Duncan discussed the difficulties built into the educational processes which led to under-performance at school and the resulting low representation in higher education and low entry into the professions.
Ex: Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.
Ex: She had been a trifle nervous until it was formally announced that the position was hers.
Ex: Williams is one of those rare poets who satisfies the yearning that many of us have for the memorable phrase we wish we had said were our perceptions a tad keener.
Ex: Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
* abultar poco = be skimpy.
* acercarse poco a poco (a) = edge (toward(s)).
* actuar con poca consideración hacia = play + fast and loose with.
* agua poco profunda = shallow water.
* aguas poco profundas = shallows.
* a poca distancia = not far behind.
* a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance.
* a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance.
* avanzar poco a poco (hacia) = edge (toward(s)).
* cada pocos años = every few years.
* comportamiento poco cívico = uncivic behaviour.
* con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
* con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.
* con muy pocas excepciones = with few exceptions.
* con poca claridad = indistinctly.
* con poca exactitud = loosely.
* con poca experiencia = inexperienced.
* con poca iluminación = dimly illuminated.
* con poca imaginación = unimaginatively.
* con poca naturalidad = stiltedly.
* con poca población = thinly populated.
* con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.
* con poca visión de futuro = short-sighted [shortsighted].
* con poco dinero = on the cheap.
* con poco entusiasmo = half-heartedly.
* con pocos medios = on a shoestring.
* con pocos recursos económicos = low-budget.
* cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
* de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
= petty criminal.
Ex: When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.
* demasiado poco común = all too rare.
* de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
* dentro de poco = before long.
* de población poco densa = sparsely populated.
* de poca importancia = menial, small-time.
* de poca monta = hack, small-time.
* de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].
* de poco impacto = low impact [low-impact].
* de poco peso = pat, feeble.
* de poco provecho = fruitless.
* de poco uso = low-use.
* de poco valor = a dime a dozen.
* desaparecer poco a poco = fade into + the sunset.
* de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
* de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
* de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
* de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
* durar poco = be short term.
* echar poco a poco = dribble.
* el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
* en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
* en muy poco tiempo = before long.
* en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short.
* en poco tiempo = before very long, in quite a short time, in a short time.
* en unos pocos años = within a few years.
* estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
* estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
* estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
* excusa poco convincente = lame excuse.
* faltar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
* faltar un poco = be some way off.
* gente de poca importancia = small fry, the.
* haber poca duda de que = there + be + little doubt that.
* hace muy poco tiempo = a short time ago.
* hace poco tiempo = a short time ago.
* hacer poca distinción entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
* hacer poco = do + little.
* hacer que sea poco probable = render + unlikely.
* hace unos pocos años = a few years ago.
* hasta hace muy poco = until recently, up until recently.
* hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo = until relatively recently.
* horas de poca actividad = slack hours.
* horas de poco movimiento = slack hours.
* ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
* llegar poco a poco = dribble in.
* lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
* mucho ruido para pocas nueces = much ado about nothing.
* mucho ruido y pocas nueces = storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
* muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
* muy poco = minimally.
* ofrecer poco = low-ball.
* operación de poca monta = one-room, one-person operation.
* pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
* parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
* pasar poco a poco = slide into.
* período de poca actividad = slack time.
* perro ladrador, poco mordedor = barking dogs seldom bite, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
* poca cantidad = trickle.
* poca cosa = small fry, the.
* poca iluminación = poor lighting.
* poca importancia = unimportance, low profile.
* poca notoriedad = low profile.
* poca probabilidad = slim chance.
* poca severidad = lenience, leniency.
* pocas expectativas = low expectation.
* poca utilidad = unhelpfulness.
* poco abundante = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
* poco accesible = unapproachable.
* poco acertado = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], injudicious.
* poco acogedor = inhospitable.
* poco aconsejable = unwise, inadvisable.
* poco adecuado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
* poco + Adjetivo = slightly + Adjetivo, less than + Adjetivo.
* poco afortunado = unhappy, ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
* poco agraciado = ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
* poco amable = off-putting, surly [surlier -comp., surliest -sup.], crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.], unkind.
* poco amistoso = off-putting, unfriendly.
* poco antes de + Fecha = shortly before + Fecha.
* poco a poco = gradually, piecemeal, slowly, incrementally, at a snail's pace, little by little.
* poco apropiado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
* poco apto = inapt.
* poco arriesgado = low-risk.
* poco asequible = unapproachable.
* poco atractivo = off-putting, unattractive, unglamorous, uninviting, unappealing.
* poco atrevido = unadventurous.
* poco audaz = unadventurous.
* poco aventurero = unadventurous.
* poco cabelleroso = ungentlemanlike.
* poco cálido = lukewarm.
* poco científico = hit-or-miss, unscientific.
* poco cívico = uncivic.
* poco claro = confusing, fuzzy, indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive, bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
* poco colaborador = unresponsive.
* poco comercial = uncommercial.
* poco competitivo = uncompetitive.
* poco complicado = uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly.
* poco comprensivo = unsympathetic.
* poco común = rare, unfamiliar, unusual, uncommon, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
* poco comunicativo = uncommunicative.
* poco confortable = uncomfortable.
* poco conocido = obscure, little known.
* poco convencido = unconvinced.
* poco convencional = unconventional.
* poco convincente = unconvincing, inconclusive, pat, feeble.
* poco convincentemente = unconvincingly.
* poco correcto = ungentlemanlike.
* poco cortés = impolite, ungentlemanlike.
* poco decidido = half-hearted [halfhearted].
* poco definido = blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
* poco denso = rarefied.
* poco deportivo = unsportsmanlike.
* poco después = soon afterwards, shortly afterwards, shortly after, not long after.
* poco después de = soon after (that), shortly after.
* poco después de que = shortly after.
* poco diestro = poor-ability.
* poco diplomático = indiscreet.
* poco dispuesto = disinclined.
* poco dispuesto a colaborar = uncooperative.
* poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
* poco económico = uneconomical.
* poco eficaz = non-efficient.
* poco elegante = inelegant, awkward, dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
* poco embarazoso = unembarrassing.
* poco entusiasta = half-hearted [halfhearted], lukewarm.
* poco envidiable = unenviable.
* poco estable = unsettled.
* poco estético = unaesthetic.
* poco estimulador = unchallenging.
* poco estimulante = unexciting, uninspiring, unmoving.
* poco estricto = lax.
* poco ético = unethical.
* poco evidente = unnoticed, unnoted.
* poco exigente = untaxing, undemanding.
* poco favorable = unpromising.
* poco favorecedor = unflattering.
* poco fiable = unreliable, undependable, flaky [flakey].
* poco firme = tenuous, rocky [rockier -comp., rockiest -sup.].
* poco flexible = monolithic, inelastic.
* poco frecuente = infrequent.
* poco fructífero = unfruitful.
* poco gratificante = unrewarding, unsatisfying.
* poco grato = unwelcome.
* poco hábil = poor-ability.
* poco habitual = unaccustomed.
* poco halagador = unflattering.
* poco halagüeño = unflattering.
* poco hospitalario = inhospitable.
* poco idóneo = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
* poco iluminado = dimly illuminated.
* poco imaginativo = unimaginative.
* poco importante = menial, small-time.
* poco impresionado = unimpressed.
* poco informativo = uninformative.
* poco intelectual = lowbrow [low-brow].
* poco inteligente = unintelligent.
* poco intenso = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
* poco interesante = dull, jackdaw, uninteresting, uninspiring.
* poco juicioso = injudicious.
* poco justificado = ill-justified.
* poco listo = underprepared.
* poco maduro = underripe.
* poco más = little else.
* poco materialista = unworldly.
* poco memorable = forgettable.
* poco mundano = unwordly.
* poco natural = unnatural, stilted.
* poco nítido = untidy.
* poco normal = unnatural, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
* poco novedoso = trite.
* poco original = unoriginal.
* poco ortodoxo = unorthodox.
* poco poblado = thinly populated.
* poco práctico = impractical, awkward.
* poco preparado = underprepared.
* poco probable = unlikely, far-fetched [farfetched].
* poco productivo = unproductive.
* poco profesional = amateurish, unprofessional.
* poco profundo = shallow [shallower -comp., shallowest -sup.].
* poco prometedor = bleak, unpromising.
* poco propicio = unpromising, unpromising.
* poco provechoso = fruitless, unrewarding.
* poco prudente = ill-advised, ill-judged.
* poco pulido = unpolished.
* poco razonable = unreasonable.
* poco realista = unrealistic, unreal, unwordly, way out in left field.
* poco recomendable = inadvisable.
* poco refinado = unrefined, unpolished.
* poco rentable = uneconomical.
* poco representativo = unrepresentative.
* poco romántico = unromantic.
* poco saludable = unwholesome, insalubrious.
* poco sano = unwholesome, insalubrious.
* poco seguro = dicey.
* poco sensato = ill-advised, injudicious, ill-judged.
* poco sentimental = unsentimental.
* poco serio = flippant.
* poco sincero = insincere.
* poco sistemático = sloppy [sloppier -comp., sloppiest -sup.].
* poco social = unsocial.
* poco sofisticado = elementary, unsophisticated, corn-fed.
* poco sólido = insubstantial.
* poco tiempo = short while, short time.
* poco tiempo después = shortly afterwards.
* poco tradicional = untraditional.
* poco unido = loosely knit.
* poco uniforme = patchy [patchier -comp., patchiest -sup.].
* poco usado = little-used.
* poco usual = unusual.
* poco útil = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], unhelpful.
* poquito a poco = little by little.
* por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
* por mencionar uno pocos = just to name a few.
* por nombrar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
* por nombrar unos pocos = to name a few.
* por poco dinero = cheaply.
* por poco o nada = at little or no extra cost.
* por si era poco = for good measure.
* por si fuera poco = to boot, for good measure, to add insult to injury.
* prestar poca atención a = give + little thought to.
* pretexto poco convincente = lame excuse.
* quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
* quedar un poco = be some way off.
* que ocupa poco espacio = space-saving.
* qué poco común = how odd.
* quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
* reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
* resultar poco fructífero = prove + unfruitful.
* saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
* sacar poco a poco = tease out.
* ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
* ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
* ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
* ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
* ser muy poco probable = be remote.
* ser poco = be under-provided.
* ser poco agradecido = be thankless.
* ser poco eficaz = do + little.
* ser poco reconocido = be thankless.
* ser pocos = be few in number, be small in number.
* servir de poco = be of little use.
* solución poco real = pie in the sky solution.
* tener poca información = be information poor.
* tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush.
* tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
* tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
* tener poco valor = be of little value.
* trabajo de poca monta = odd-job.
* un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.
* unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
* un poco = a bit, somewhat, slightly, something of, a little bit, kinda [kind of].
* un poco áspero = roughish.
* un poco como = kind of like.
* un poco de = a measure of, a touch (of), a bit of, a piece of, a spot of, a splash of, a hint of.
* un poco + Nombre = a shade + Nombre.
* un poco obscuro = dusky.
* un poco rugoso = roughish.
* usado con poca frecuencia = seldom used [seldom-used].
* usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
* utilizar poco = underutilise/under-utilise [underutilize/under-utilize, -USA].
* vivienda poco digna = poor housing.
* y poco más = and little more.