Internet-Draft - definition. What is Internet-Draft
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Internet draft; Internet-Draft; IETF Internet Draft

(I-D) A draft working document of the {Internet Engineering Task Force}, its Areas, and its Working Groups. As the name implies, Internet-Drafts are purely discussion documents with no formal status. They are valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. Very often, an I-D is a precursor to a {Request For Comments}. (1994-12-08)
Internet Draft         
An Internet Draft (I-D) is a document published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) containing preliminary technical specifications, results of networking-related research, or other technical information. Often, Internet Drafts are intended to be work-in-progress documents for work that is eventually to be published as a Request for Comments (RFC) and potentially leading to an Internet Standard.
Internet Standard         
Standard track; Standards track; Internet standard; Internet standards; Internet Standards; Standards-track; Draft standard; Draft Standard; Proposed standard; Proposed Standard
In computer network engineering, an Internet Standard is a normative specification of a technology or methodology applicable to the Internet. Internet Standards are created and published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).


Internet Draft

An Internet Draft (I-D) is a document published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) containing preliminary technical specifications, results of networking-related research, or other technical information. Often, Internet Drafts are intended to be work-in-progress documents for work that is eventually to be published as a Request for Comments (RFC) and potentially leading to an Internet Standard.

It is considered inappropriate to rely on Internet Drafts for reference purposes. I-D citations should indicate the I-D is a work in progress.

An Internet Draft is expected to adhere to the basic requirements imposed on any RFC.

An Internet Draft is only valid for six months unless it is replaced by an updated version. An otherwise expired draft remains valid while it is under official review by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) when a request to publish it as an RFC has been submitted. Expired drafts are replaced with a "tombstone" version and remain available for reference.

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