MUMPS - definition. What is MUMPS
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

MUMPS programming language; M (MUMPS) programming language; M technology; MUMPS language; Mumps programming language; Mumps compiler; MUMPS (criticism); MUMPS (programming language); MUMPS users; Major Users Of MUMPS; Digital Standard MUMPS; MUMPS Development Committee; ISO/IEC 11756

Congenital mumps; Mumps outbreaks in the 21st century; List of modern mumps outbreaks; Mumps outbreaks in the 2000's; The mumps; Epidemic parotitis; Mumps outbreaks in the 2000s
n. to catch, comedown with the mumps
Congenital mumps; Mumps outbreaks in the 21st century; List of modern mumps outbreaks; Mumps outbreaks in the 2000's; The mumps; Epidemic parotitis; Mumps outbreaks in the 2000s
<language> (Or "M") Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System. A programming language with extensive tools for the support of database management systems. MUMPS was originally used for medical records and is now widely used where multiple users access the same databases simultaneously, e.g. banks, stock exchanges, travel agencies, hospitals. Early MUMPS implementations for PDP-11 and IBM PC were complete operating systems, as well as programming languages, but current-day implementations usually run under a normal host operating system. A MUMPS program hardly ever explicitly performs low-level operations such as opening a file - there are programming constructs in the language that will do so implicitly, and most MUMPS programmers are not even aware of the {operating system} activity that MUMPS performs. Syntactically MUMPS has only one data-type: strings. Semantically, the language has many data-types: text strings, binary strings, floating point values, integer values, Boolean values. Interpretation of strings is done inside functions, or implicitly while applying mathematical operators. Since many operations involve only moving data from one location to another, it is faster to just move uninterpreted strings. Of course, when a value is used multiple times in the context of arithmetical operations, optimised implementations will typically save the numerical value of the string. MUMPS was designed for portability. Currently, it is possible to share the same MUMPS database between radically different architectures, because all values are stored as text strings. The worst an implementation may have to do is swap pairs of bytes. Such multi-CPU databases are actually in use, some offices share databases between VAX, DEC Alpha, SUN, IBM PC and HP workstations. Versions of MUMPS are available on practically all hardware, from the smallest (IBM PC, Apple Macintosh, Acorn Archimedes), to the largest mainframe. MSM ({Micronetics Standard MUMPS}) runs on IBM PC RT and R6000; DSM (Digital Standard Mumps) on the PDP-11, VAX, DEC Alpha, and Windows-NT; Datatree MUMPS from InterSystems runs on IBM PC; and MGlobal MUMPS on the Macintosh. Multi-platform versions include M/SQL, available from InterSystems, PFCS <> and MSM. Greystone Technologies' GT/M runs on VAX and DEC Alpha. This is a compiler whereas the others are interpreters. GT/SQL is their SQL pre-processor. ISO standard 11756 (1991). ANSI standard: "MUMPS Language Standard", X11.1 (1977, 1984, 1990, 1995?). The MUMPS User's Group was the M Technology Association. Usenet newsgroups: news:comp.lang.mumps. (2003-06-04)
Congenital mumps; Mumps outbreaks in the 21st century; List of modern mumps outbreaks; Mumps outbreaks in the 2000's; The mumps; Epidemic parotitis; Mumps outbreaks in the 2000s
(Med.) Parotitis, inflammation of the parotid gland.



MUMPS ("Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System"), or M, is an imperative, high-level programming language with an integrated transaction processing key–value database. It was originally developed at Massachusetts General Hospital for managing hospital laboratory information systems.

MUMPS technology has since expanded as the predominant database for health information systems and electronic health records in the United States. MUMPS-based information systems run over 40% of the hospitals in the U.S., run across all of the U.S. federal hospitals and clinics, and provide health information services for over 54% of patients across the U.S.

A unique feature of the MUMPS technology is its integrated database language, allowing direct, high-speed read-write access to permanent disk storage. This provides tight integration of unlimited applications within a single database, and provides extremely high performance and reliability as an online transaction processing system.

أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. HEALTH LIBRARY Health Library Condition Center: Mumps RELATED Mumps sweeps across Iowa CDC YOUR E–MAIL ALERTS Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Mumps or Create Your Own Manage Alerts
2. Iowa is at the center of a Midwestern mumps outbreak.
3. Nationwide, about 200 to 300 mumps cases typically occur annually.
4. Mumps is a virus spread by coughing and sneezing.
5. He said none of the Loras athletes had mumps, and "we ask our opponents to trust our coaches and know that they would not bring a student who is showing symptoms of mumps to their school." Thirty–seven of the college‘s 1,700 students have caught mumps since the first case surfaced in February, according to the school‘s health clinic.