namespace - definition. What is namespace
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ترجمة وتحليل الكلمات عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي ChatGPT

في هذه الصفحة يمكنك الحصول على تحليل مفصل لكلمة أو عبارة باستخدام أفضل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتوفرة اليوم:

  • كيف يتم استخدام الكلمة في اللغة
  • تردد الكلمة
  • ما إذا كانت الكلمة تستخدم في كثير من الأحيان في اللغة المنطوقة أو المكتوبة
  • خيارات الترجمة إلى الروسية أو الإسبانية، على التوالي
  • أمثلة على استخدام الكلمة (عدة عبارات مع الترجمة)
  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Namespace (computer science); Hierarchical namespace; Namespaces; Namespace (programming); Name-space; Name space; Namespace identifier; Namescope; Namescopes; Namespace (C++); Anonymous namespace; Hierarchical name space; Name spaces; Comparison of programming languages (namespaces)

A set of names in which all names are unique.
In computing, a namespace is a set of signs (names) that are used to identify and refer to objects of various kinds. A namespace ensures that all of a given set of objects have unique names so that they can be easily identified.
XML namespace         
Xml namespaces; XMLNS; Xmlns; XML Namespaces; XML namespaces; Xml namespace; XML Namespace; Namespaces in XML; Xml NameSpace
XML namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML document. They are defined in a W3C recommendation.



In computing, a namespace is a set of signs (names) that are used to identify and refer to objects of various kinds. A namespace ensures that all of a given set of objects have unique names so that they can be easily identified.

Namespaces are commonly structured as hierarchies to allow reuse of names in different contexts. As an analogy, consider a system of naming of people where each person has a given name, as well as a family name shared with their relatives. If the first names of family members are unique only within each family, then each person can be uniquely identified by the combination of first name and family name; there is only one Jane Doe, though there may be many Janes. Within the namespace of the Doe family, just "Jane" suffices to unambiguously designate this person, while within the "global" namespace of all people, the full name must be used.

Prominent examples for namespaces include file systems, which assign names to files. Some programming languages organize their variables and subroutines in namespaces.Computer networks and distributed systems assign names to resources, such as computers, printers, websites, and remote files. Operating systems can partition kernel resources by isolated namespaces to support virtualization containers.

Similarly, hierarchical file systems organize files in directories. Each directory is a separate namespace, so that the directories "letters" and "invoices" may both contain a file "to_jane".

In computer programming, namespaces are typically employed for the purpose of grouping symbols and identifiers around a particular functionality and to avoid name collisions between multiple identifiers that share the same name.

In networking, the Domain Name System organizes websites (and other resources) into hierarchical namespaces.