single quote - definition. What is single quote
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ترجمة وتحليل الكلمات عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي ChatGPT

في هذه الصفحة يمكنك الحصول على تحليل مفصل لكلمة أو عبارة باستخدام أفضل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتوفرة اليوم:

  • كيف يتم استخدام الكلمة في اللغة
  • تردد الكلمة
  • ما إذا كانت الكلمة تستخدم في كثير من الأحيان في اللغة المنطوقة أو المكتوبة
  • خيارات الترجمة إلى الروسية أو الإسبانية، على التوالي
  • أمثلة على استخدام الكلمة (عدة عبارات مع الترجمة)
  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Double quote; Quote mark; ‚; „; ‘; “; ”; Angle quotes; Curved quotes; Left double-angle quote; Right double-angle quote; Quotation dash; Smart quote; Inverted commas; Inverted comma; Curly quote; "; Single quote; Distance quotes; Speech mark; Speech marks; Dumb quotes; Dumb quote; ❝; ❞; Double quotes; 』; 『; ‛; Single quotes; 「; 」; Curly quotes; ‘ ’; “ ”; Quote sign; Quotation Mark; Quotation mark glyphs; Quotation mark, glyphs; Single quotation mark; Double quotation mark; "; Smart apostrophes; Quotation marks, non-English usage; Turned commas; ❛; ❜; ‟; Spanish quotes; French quotations; ' '; Typewriter quotes; Quotation Marks; “”; Quotation marks (punctuation); Quotation marks; Sixty-Nine and Ninety-Nine; Grocer's quotes; Quote (typography); Quotation mark, non-English usage; Non-English usage of quotation mark; U+0022; Quote marks; Citation mark; ‘’; " "; „“; „ “; „"; Non-English use of quotation marks; Quote characters; Curved quote; Quotation marks in other languages; Εισαγωγικά; Παύλα; ’’; Quote symbol; ❟; ❠; 「; 」; ﹁; ﹂; ﹃; ﹄; Quotation mark glyph; Fancy quote; Non-English usage of quotation marks; World usage of quotation marks; Doublequote; Speechmarks; Speechmark; Quotemarks; 🙶; 🙷; 🙸; International variation in quotation marks; French quotes; CJK quotation marks; Chinese quotation marks; Talking mark; Talking marks; Smartquote; Smartquotes; Quotemark; €™; Opening single quote; Closing single quote; Double quote mark; Double quotation marks; „”; Lquot; Rquot; Ldquo; Rdquo; Kavychki; Кавычки; ASCII 34; \x22; Japanese quotation marks; 「」; 『』; Opening single quotation mark; Straight quotes; ””; ‚‘; Quote dash; 66 and 99; Sixty-six and ninety-nine; Sixty six and ninety nine; 66 & 99; Single quotation marks; " " Straight quotation marks; Quoting mark
  • Clearly distinguishable apostrophe and angular quotation marks.
  • Bulletin de l’Agence générale des colonies}}, No. 302, May 1934, showing the usage of a pair of marks, opening and closing, at the level of lower case letters
  • baseline]]
  • Clash between the apostrophe and curved quotation marks in a phrase meaning “the crimes of the ‘good Samaritans’ ”
  • Blank space (in yellow) provoked by elevated quotation marks; some type designers consider this excessive.<ref name="design et typo" />
  • Different forms of German and English quotation marks and similar looking signs

single quote         
<character> "'" ASCII character 39. Common names include single quote; quote; ITU-T: apostrophe. Rare: prime; glitch; tick; irk; pop; INTERCAL: spark; ITU-T: closing single quotation mark; ITU-T: acute accent. Single quote is used in C and derived languages to introduce a single character literal value which is represented internally by its ASCII code. In the Unix shells and Perl single quote is used to delimit strings in which variable substitution is not performed (in contrast to double-quote-delimited strings). Single quote is often used in text for both open and close single quotation mark and apostrophe. Typesetters use two different symbols - open has a tail going up, close and apostrophe have tails hanging down (like a raised comma). Some people use back quote (') for open single quotation mark. (1998-04-04)
Right single quotation mark         
’; Right single quote; U+2019
The Unicode character (U+2019 ) is used both for a typographic apostrophe and a single right (closing) quotation mark. This is due to the many fonts and character sets (such as CP1252) that unified the characters into a single code point, and the difficulty of software distinguishing which character is intended by a user's typing.
pull quote         
  • In this example, a pull quote is centered between two columns. The text has been "pulled" from the bottom of the first column.
Pullquotes; Liftout quote; Pull quotes; Pullquote; Pull-quote; Pull quotation; Lift-out quote
¦ noun US a brief quotation taken from the main text of an article and used as a subheading or graphic feature.


Quotation mark

Quotation marks (also known as quotes, quote marks, speech marks, inverted commas, or talking marks) are punctuation marks used in pairs in various writing systems to set off direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase. The pair consists of an opening quotation mark and a closing quotation mark, which may or may not be the same character.

Quotation marks have a variety of forms in different languages and in different media.

أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Speaking from Turin last week, Bosco de Ciliegi spokeswoman Olga Yudkis dismissed the reports as the "fantasies of journalists." "There is not a single quote [about this] by athletes or statements by official delegations," she said.