eidógrafo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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eidógrafo (إسباني) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun.

Phonetic Transcription: /eiˈðoɣɾafo/.

Meanings and Usage Patterns: - Meanings: The word "eidógrafo" refers to a device used to produce stereoscopic images through photography or drawing. It is a term from the field of photography and visual arts. This word is not very common in everyday language. - Usage: "Eidógrafo" is used more in written contexts, specifically in academic or technical texts related to photography or visual arts. It may not be commonly used in oral speech.

Verb Forms: As "eidógrafo" is a noun, it does not have verb forms or tenses.

Translations: Translations into Arabic: - "العدسة الثنائية"

Example Phrases: 1. Utilizaron un eidógrafo para crear imágenes tridimensionales. 2. El fotógrafo utilizó un eidógrafo para lograr efectos visuales únicos.

Translations: 1. استخدموا عدسة ثنائية لإنشاء صور ثلاثية الأبعاد. 2. استخدم المصور الفوتوغرافي عدسة ثنائية لتحقيق تأثيرات بصرية فريدة.

Idiomatic Expressions: "Eidógrafo" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, as it is a technical term related to a specific field.

Etymology: The term "eidógrafo" comes from the Greek words "eidos" (image) and "graphos" (to write, to draw), indicating its function related to the production of images or drawings.

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: cámara estereoscópica, estereoscopio. - Antonyms: None in the specific context of a device used for stereoscopic imaging.