enostosis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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enostosis (إسباني) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech




Arabic Translation

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Enostosis is a medical term used to describe a benign bone-forming tumor inside the bone, also known as bone island or enostoses. It is a localized, usually small, growth of compact bone tissue. This condition is usually asymptomatic and is often incidentally detected on X-rays.


  1. La enostosis encontrada en la radiografía era benigna.
  2. Tras realizar una resonancia magnética, se confirmó que la enostosis no presentaba signos de malignidad.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar sano como una enostosis" - To be in perfect health. Translation: "أن تكون بصحة جيدة كـ enostosis"

  2. "Más raro que un paciente con enostosis" - Extremely rare. Translation: "أكثر ندرة من المريض الذي يعاني من enostosis"


The word "enostosis" comes from the Greek words "en" (within) and "osteon" (bone), referring to a condition where bone tissue grows within the bone itself.

Synonyms & Antonyms

Additional Information

Enostosis is a relatively common finding on radiological imaging studies and is usually of no clinical significance. It is important to differentiate enostosis from other more serious bone lesions, such as bone cancer, through proper diagnostic techniques.