grupo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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grupo (إسباني) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:


Phonetic Transcription:


Meanings and Usage:

"Grupo" in Spanish means "group" in English. It is a very common word used both in written and oral contexts. It is utilized to refer to a collection of people or things that are considered together due to a common characteristic or purpose.

Verb Forms:

Since "grupo" is a noun, it does not have verb forms.

Translations into Arabic:


Example Phrases:

  1. El grupo de estudiantes investigó sobre el tema. (قامت مجموعة الطلاب بالبحث حول الموضوع)
  2. Organizamos un grupo de ayuda para brindar apoyo a la comunidad. (نظمنا مجموعة مساعدة لتقديم الدعم للمجتمع)

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Grupo" is not usually used in common idiomatic expressions. However, it can be part of other idiomatic expressions where it is combined with other words to convey a specific meaning.

  1. Grupo de trabajo: Refers to a work team or group collaborating together.

  2. Grupo sanguíneo: Blood type.

  3. Grupo de interés: Interest group.

  4. Grupo de apoyo: Support group.

  5. Grupo de estudio: Study group.


"Grupo" comes from the Italian word "gruppo," which means a collection of individuals or objects.

