maldito - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maldito (إسباني) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Adjective

Phonetic Transcription: /malˈ

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: The word "maldito" in Spanish means "accursed" or "cursed." It is often used to express anger, frustration, or to emphasize a negative feeling towards something or someone. - Usage: This word is more commonly used in spoken language rather than in formal written contexts. It is often used to express strong emotions or to add intensity to a statement.

Verb Forms: - "Maldito" is an adjective and does not have applicable verb forms.

Translations: Translation into Arabic: لعين

Example Phrases: 1. ¡Maldito tráfico! = لعين هذا الزحام! 2. ¡No me hables más, maldito mentiroso! = لا تتحدث معي بعد، يا كاذب لعين!

Idiomatic Expressions: - "Maldito el día en que naciste" = Cursed be the day you were born - "Maldita la hora en que..." = Damn the hour when... - "El maldito destino" = The accursed destiny - "Maldita sea la hora" = Damn the time - "Maldito seas" = Cursed be you

More Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions: 1. ¡Maldito el día en que me enteré de esa noticia! = لعين اليوم الذي عرفت فيه هذا الخبر! 2. Maldita sea la hora en que acepté ayudarlo. = لعين الساعة التي وافقت فيها على مساعدته. 3. ¡Maldito seas por lo que me has hecho! = إلعين عليك على ما فعلته بي! 4. El maldito destino nos separó. = القدر الملعون شرعف بينا.

Etymology: "Maldito" comes from the word "mal" (bad) and the past participle of the verb "decir" (to say), meaning "said badly" or "badly spoken."

Synonyms: - Similar meanings: malvado, nefasto, condenado - Opposite meanings: bendito, afortunado, bienaventurado