pie - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
قاموس على الإنترنت

pie (إسباني) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:


Phonetic Transcription:


Meanings and Usage:

"pie" in Spanish refers to the same word in English, denoting a sweet or savory dish typically consisting of a pastry base filled with fruit, meat, vegetables, or other ingredients. This word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, and it has moderate frequency of use in the Spanish language.


  1. Me encanta comer pie de manzana. (أحب تناول فطيرة التفاح.)
  2. Hoy preparé un exquisito pie de pollo. (اليوم قمت بتحضير فطيرة دجاج شهية.)

Verb Conjugation:

As "pie" is a noun, it does not have verb forms or conjugations.

Idiomatic Expressions:

In Spanish, "pie" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions.


The word "pie" comes from the Latin word "pīca."

Synonyms and Antonyms:


  1. Tarta (تارتا)
  2. Pastel (باستيل)
  3. Empanada (امبانادا)


  1. Refresco (مشروب)
  2. Ensalada (سلطة)