tenáculo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tenáculo (إسباني) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Meanings and usage:

"Tenáculo" in Spanish refers to a tentacle, which is a long, narrow, flexible arm or limb of an animal used for moving or holding. This word is predominantly used in written Spanish rather than in oral speech. It is not a very common word in everyday conversation but is frequently found in scientific contexts, such as biology or marine studies.

Verb forms:


Translations and Examples:


  1. الشّعاع
  2. الجذع


  1. El pulpo extendió sus tenáculos para atrapar a su presa. (مد الأخطبوط تنامياته ليصطاد فريسته)
  2. Los calamares tienen tentáculos muy largos y flexibles. (الحبار لديها أطرافية طويلة ومرنة)

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Tenáculo" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


"Tenáculo" comes from the Latin word "tentāculum", which means 'feelers' or 'tentacle'. Latin "tentāculum" is derived from "tentō" meaning 'to feel, to try'.

Synonyms and Antonyms:


  1. Brazo (باع)
  2. Tentáculo (تنتاكولو)


  1. Pata (قدم)
  2. Garra (مخلب)