parra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
قاموس على الإنترنت

parra (برتغالي) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:



Usage and frequency:

The word Parra is more commonly used as a surname in Portuguese-speaking countries. It is used in both oral and written contexts, but it is not a very frequent word in everyday language.

Verb forms:

As the user input is a noun, there are no applicable verb forms for the word "Parra."

Translations into Arabic:

Example phrases:

  1. A família Parra é muito conhecida na região.
    (عائلة بارا معروفة جدًا في المنطقة.)
  2. Eu plantei uma parra de uvas no meu quintal.
    (زرعت كرمة في حديقتي.)

Idiomatic expressions:

The word Parra is not commonly used in Portuguese idiomatic expressions.


The surname Parra has Spanish origins and comes from the word "parra" which means "grapevine" in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: - Videira (Grapevine) - Trepadeira (Climbing plant)

Antonyms: - Descendente (Descending) - Subterrâneo (Underground)