sair - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sair (برتغالي) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:

"sair" is a verb in Portuguese.

Phonetic Transcription:

The word "sair" is phonetically transcribed in Portuguese using the International Phonetic Alphabet as /ˈsajɾ/.

Meanings and Usage:

Verb Forms:

As for the verb forms in different tenses: - Present: eu saio, tu sais, ele/ela/você sai, nós saímos, vós saís, eles/elas/vocês saem. - Past: eu saí, tu saíste, ele/ela/você saiu, nós saímos, vós saístes, eles/elas/vocês saíram. - Future: eu sairei, tu sairás, ele/ela/você sairá, nós sairemos, vós saireis, eles/elas/vocês sairão.

Translations and Examples:

  1. Examples:
  2. Eu vou sair agora. (سأخرج الآن.)
  3. Ela saiu para passear. (خرجت للتنزه.)

Idiomatic Expressions:


The word "sair" in Portuguese comes from the Latin word "exire", which means "to go out" or "to leave".

Synonyms and Antonyms: