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قاموس انجليزي

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الكلمات التي تبدأ بـ "1 " : 82458
1st Parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
1st Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
1st Pennsylvania Regiment
1st Pennsylvania Reserve Regiment
1st People's Choice Awards
1st Pioneer Battalion (Australia)
1st Place
1st Platino Awards
1st Podemos Citizen Assembly
1st Politburo of the Communist Party of Cuba
1st Prince
1st Proletarian Brigade (Yugoslav Partisans)
1st Provisional Air Brigade
1st Queens
1st Reconnaissance Squadron (disambiguation)
1st Regiment Greek Light Infantry
1st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
1st Regiment of New York Volunteers
1st Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery
1st Regional Command
1st Reserve Division (German Empire)
1st Reserve Division (People's Republic of China)
1st Reserve Infantry Division of Beijing
1st Reserve Officers' Training Corps Brigade
1st Rhode Island Infantry Regiment
1st Robert Awards
1st Round (album)
1st Royal Bavarian Chevau-légers "Emperor Nicholas of Russia"
1st Royal Bavarian Division
1st Royal Bavarian Heavy Cavalry (Prince Charles of Bavaria's)
1st Royal Bavarian Uhlans "Emperor William II, King of Prussia"
1st Royal New South Wales Lancers
1st Royal Saxon Guards Heavy Cavalry
1st SIIMA Short Film Awards
1st SS-Standarte
1st Saeima
1st Sarasaviya Awards
1st Saskatchewan Legislature
1st Saturn Awards
1st Scottish Parliament
1st Searchlight Battery (United States)
1st Secretariat of the Communist Party of Cuba
1st Security Force Assistance Brigade
1st Seiyu Awards
1st Senate of Haiti
1st Senate of Puerto Rico
1st Separate Women's Volunteer Rifle Brigade
1st Shock Army
1st Signal Command (United States)
1st South Carolina Regiment
1st South Carolina Rifle Regiment
1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Colored)
1st South Indian International Movie Awards
1st Soviet Antarctic Expedition
1st Space Wing
1st Special Envoy for Drought and climate change of Somalia
1st Special Operations Component Maintenance Squadron
1st Special Squadron (Japanese Navy)
1st Split Partisan Detachment
1st Squadron (JASDF)
1st Standing Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam
1st Standing Committee of the Workers' Party of North Korea
1st Strategic Aerospace Division
1st Street, Los Angeles
1st String Teenage High
1st Summit of the Americas
1st Supply Battalion
1st Surface to Air Missiles Brigade (Romania)
1st Surrey Rifles
1st TCA Awards