Israel Lands Administration - Übersetzung nach deutsch

Israel Lands Administration - Übersetzung nach deutsch

Israel Lands Authority; ILA (Israel Land Administration); Israel Lands Administration

Israel Lands Administration         
Israelisches Grundbuchamt
Israel Land Administration         
Israelisches Grundbuchamt
US Food and Drug Administration         
  • FDA scientist prepares blood donation samples for testing.
  • Medical Officer Alexander Fleming, M. D., examines a portion of a 240-volume new drug application around the late 1980s. Applications grew considerably after the efficacy mandate under the 1962 Drug Amendments.
  • alt=
  • alt=
  • FDA lab at Building 64 in Silver Spring, Maryland
  • alt=
  • [[Harvey W. Wiley]], chief advocate of the Food and Drug Act
  • Jefferson, Arkansas]] is the headquarters of the National Center for Toxicological Research.
  • Jamaica, Queens, New York Regional Office - USFDA
FDA; United States Food and Drug Administration; US Food and Drug Administration; Product licensing application; Food and drug administration; Bureau of Chemistry; USFDA; Fda; Food & Drug Administration; Food and Drug Adminstration; ODE IV; American Food and Drug Administration; US FDA; FDA approval; FDA drug approval & regulation; U.S. Food & Drug Administration; U.S. Food and Drug Administration; The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA); Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA); FDA Regulation; Food and Drug Administration (United States); USA Food and Drug Administration; United States Food And Drug Administration; U S Food and Drug Administration; Food and Drugs Administration; Pediatric exclusivity; Food and Drug Administration (US); Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration; Taha Kass-Hout; United States Food & Drug Administration; USA FDA; U. S. Food and Drug Administration; United states food and drug administration; Federal Drug Administration; U.S. FDA; US food and drug administration; The Real Cost;; Food and Drugs Authority
Amerikanische Lebensmittel und Medikamenten Aufsichtsbehörde (FDA)


¦ adjective Medicine (chiefly of nutrition) involving another part of the body than the mouth and alimentary canal. Often contrasted with enteral.
parenterally adverb
early 20th cent.: from para-1 + Gk enteron 'intestine' + -al.


Israel Land Administration

The Israel Land Administration (ILA; Hebrew: מנהל מקרקעי ישראל, romanized: Minhal Mekarka'ei Yisra'el; Arabic: مديرية أراضي اسرائيل) is an Israeli government authority responsible for managing land in Israel which is in the public domain. It manages 93% of the land in the country. As a result of reforms soon it will be transformed into Israel Land Authority.

Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Israel Lands Administration
1. The fee also covers all costs relating to Israel Lands Administration registration.
2. Cohen was recently been offered the job of heading the Israel Lands Administration, which he refused.
3. An Israel Lands Administration tender whose turn had come to be published?
4. And of course he wouldn‘t touch the Israel Airport Authority or the Israel Lands Administration.
5. The Israel Lands Administration (ILA), which received 56 other lots, has leased them.