General Public License - Definition. Was ist General Public License
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Was (wer) ist General Public License - definition

Public-domain equivalent license; Public domain license; Public domain like license; Public domain equivalent license

General Public License         
  • Printed GPL statements for consumer entertainment devices which incorporate GPL components
  • Quick guide of [[license compatibility]] with GPLv3 according to the FSF. Dashed line indicates that the GPLv2 is only compatible with the GPLv3 with the clause "or any later version".
  • MIT]], Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. To his right is Columbia Law Professor [[Eben Moglen]], chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center.
GPL; GNU/GPL; GNU General Public Licence; GNU GPL; General Public License; GNU Public License; GNU general public license; Gnu general public license; General Public Licence; Gpl; GPL license; Gplv3; GNU General Public License version 3; Software propagation; General Public Virus; GPLv3; GPLD; GNU public licence; GGPL; Gnu public license; GPL 3; Gnu Public License; Gpl3; GPL2; GNU GPL license; GPLv2; Gnu GPL; Gplv2; Gpl v2; Gpl v3; Gpl version 2; Gpl version 3; Gpl 2; GPL3; GPL v3; GPL v2; GNU General Public License version 2; GNU General Public License 3; GNU GPLv3; GNU GPL 3; GNU Public Licence; GPLv2 License; GPL, Version 3, or newer; GPL License; GNU General Public License Version 2; GPL compatibility; List of programs released under the GPL; GNU General Public License Version 3; GPL 2; General public license; GNU GPLv1; GNU GPLv2; GPLv1; GPL version 3; GPL version 2; Gnu General Public License; GNU GPL version 2; GNU GPL version 3; GNU GPL version 1; GNU General Public License v3; GNU-GPLv3; GPL 3.0; GPL compatible; GPL Version 3; GPL Version 2; GPL Version 1; GNU GPL and LGPL; GPL-3.0; GPLv3.0; GPLv3 license; GPLv2 license; GPLv2 licence; GPLv3 licence; GNU Public Virus; Emacs General Public License; Emacs GPL; GPL-3.0-only; GPL-3.0-or-later; GNU General Public License v3.0; GNU General Public License v3.0 only; GNU General Public License v3.0 or later; GNU GPL 2; GPLv2.1; GPLv3+; GPLv2.1+; GNU GPL v3+; GPL-2.0-or-later; GPL-2.0-only; GPL-1.0-only; GPL-1.0-or-later; GPLv2+; GPL-2.0
<legal> (GPL, note US spelling) The licence applied to most software from the Free Software Foundation and the GNU project and other authors who choose to use it. The licences for most software are designed to prevent users from sharing or changing it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee the freedom to share and change free software - to make sure the software is free for all its users. The GPL is designed to make sure that anyone can distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if they wish); that they receive source code or can get it if they want; that they can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that they know they can do these things. The GPL forbids anyone to deny others these rights or to ask them to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for those who distribute copies of the software or modify it. See also General Public Virus. (1994-10-27)
GNU General Public License         
  • Printed GPL statements for consumer entertainment devices which incorporate GPL components
  • Quick guide of [[license compatibility]] with GPLv3 according to the FSF. Dashed line indicates that the GPLv2 is only compatible with the GPLv3 with the clause "or any later version".
  • MIT]], Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. To his right is Columbia Law Professor [[Eben Moglen]], chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center.
GPL; GNU/GPL; GNU General Public Licence; GNU GPL; General Public License; GNU Public License; GNU general public license; Gnu general public license; General Public Licence; Gpl; GPL license; Gplv3; GNU General Public License version 3; Software propagation; General Public Virus; GPLv3; GPLD; GNU public licence; GGPL; Gnu public license; GPL 3; Gnu Public License; Gpl3; GPL2; GNU GPL license; GPLv2; Gnu GPL; Gplv2; Gpl v2; Gpl v3; Gpl version 2; Gpl version 3; Gpl 2; GPL3; GPL v3; GPL v2; GNU General Public License version 2; GNU General Public License 3; GNU GPLv3; GNU GPL 3; GNU Public Licence; GPLv2 License; GPL, Version 3, or newer; GPL License; GNU General Public License Version 2; GPL compatibility; List of programs released under the GPL; GNU General Public License Version 3; GPL 2; General public license; GNU GPLv1; GNU GPLv2; GPLv1; GPL version 3; GPL version 2; Gnu General Public License; GNU GPL version 2; GNU GPL version 3; GNU GPL version 1; GNU General Public License v3; GNU-GPLv3; GPL 3.0; GPL compatible; GPL Version 3; GPL Version 2; GPL Version 1; GNU GPL and LGPL; GPL-3.0; GPLv3.0; GPLv3 license; GPLv2 license; GPLv2 licence; GPLv3 licence; GNU Public Virus; Emacs General Public License; Emacs GPL; GPL-3.0-only; GPL-3.0-or-later; GNU General Public License v3.0; GNU General Public License v3.0 only; GNU General Public License v3.0 or later; GNU GPL 2; GPLv2.1; GPLv3+; GPLv2.1+; GNU GPL v3+; GPL-2.0-or-later; GPL-2.0-only; GPL-1.0-only; GPL-1.0-or-later; GPLv2+; GPL-2.0
General Public Virus         
  • Printed GPL statements for consumer entertainment devices which incorporate GPL components
  • Quick guide of [[license compatibility]] with GPLv3 according to the FSF. Dashed line indicates that the GPLv2 is only compatible with the GPLv3 with the clause "or any later version".
  • MIT]], Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. To his right is Columbia Law Professor [[Eben Moglen]], chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center.
GPL; GNU/GPL; GNU General Public Licence; GNU GPL; General Public License; GNU Public License; GNU general public license; Gnu general public license; General Public Licence; Gpl; GPL license; Gplv3; GNU General Public License version 3; Software propagation; General Public Virus; GPLv3; GPLD; GNU public licence; GGPL; Gnu public license; GPL 3; Gnu Public License; Gpl3; GPL2; GNU GPL license; GPLv2; Gnu GPL; Gplv2; Gpl v2; Gpl v3; Gpl version 2; Gpl version 3; Gpl 2; GPL3; GPL v3; GPL v2; GNU General Public License version 2; GNU General Public License 3; GNU GPLv3; GNU GPL 3; GNU Public Licence; GPLv2 License; GPL, Version 3, or newer; GPL License; GNU General Public License Version 2; GPL compatibility; List of programs released under the GPL; GNU General Public License Version 3; GPL 2; General public license; GNU GPLv1; GNU GPLv2; GPLv1; GPL version 3; GPL version 2; Gnu General Public License; GNU GPL version 2; GNU GPL version 3; GNU GPL version 1; GNU General Public License v3; GNU-GPLv3; GPL 3.0; GPL compatible; GPL Version 3; GPL Version 2; GPL Version 1; GNU GPL and LGPL; GPL-3.0; GPLv3.0; GPLv3 license; GPLv2 license; GPLv2 licence; GPLv3 licence; GNU Public Virus; Emacs General Public License; Emacs GPL; GPL-3.0-only; GPL-3.0-or-later; GNU General Public License v3.0; GNU General Public License v3.0 only; GNU General Public License v3.0 or later; GNU GPL 2; GPLv2.1; GPLv3+; GPLv2.1+; GNU GPL v3+; GPL-2.0-or-later; GPL-2.0-only; GPL-1.0-only; GPL-1.0-or-later; GPLv2+; GPL-2.0
<software, legal> A pejorative name for some versions of the GNU project copyleft or General Public License (GPL), which requires that any tools or application programs incorporating copylefted code must be source-distributed on the same terms as GNU code. Thus it is alleged that the copyleft "infects" software generated with GNU tools, which may in turn infect other software that reuses any of its code. Copyright law limits the scope of the GPL to "programs textually incorporating significant amounts of GNU code" so GPL is only passed on if actual GNU source is transmitted. This used to be the case with the Bison parser skeleton until its licence was fixed. [Jargon File] (1999-07-14)


Public-domain-equivalent license

Public-domain-equivalent license are licenses that grant public-domain-like rights and/or act as waivers. They are used to make copyrighted works usable by anyone without conditions, while avoiding the complexities of attribution or license compatibility that occur with other licenses.

No permission or license is required for a work truly in the public domain, such as one with an expired copyright; such a work may be copied at will. Public domain equivalent licenses exist because some legal jurisdictions do not provide for authors to voluntarily place their work in the public domain, but do allow them to grant arbitrarily broad rights in the work to the public.

The licensing process also allows authors, particularly software authors, the opportunity to explicitly deny any implied warranty that might give someone a basis for legal action against them. While there is no universally agreed-upon license, several licenses aim to grant the same rights that would apply to a work in the public domain.