Assert - Definition. Was ist Assert

Was (wer) ist Assert - definition

1) to assert boldly
2) (L) she asserted that she was innocent
v. a.
Affirm, declare, maintain, pronounce, express, say, aver, allege, asseverate, protest, avouch, avow, predicate, lay down.
Vindicate, defend, claim, maintain, uphold, put forward, insist upon, press, emphasize, make felt.
ADEPT Subsystem for Scanning of Electronic Received Traffic (Reference: ADEPT, mil., USA)
Aussprachebeispiele für Assert
1. I would assert.
San Francisco Chefs Table _ Matthew Accarrino _ Talks Google
2. assert ourselves that way.
Apollo 8 _ Jeffrey Kluger _ Talks at Google
3. has to assert itself, has to assert itself,
4. to assert control.
The United States is Losing the Digital Cold War _ Jack Goldsmith _ Talks at Google
5. as those guys assert.
Undeniable _ Bill Nye _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Assert
1. He has since taken steps to assert Taiwan‘s separate identity.
2. Olmert and Peretz, by contrast, need to assert themselves.
3. Critics assert, however, that Security Council sanctions are symbolic measures.
4. McCain cannot simply assert his support for the war.
5. "You cannot assert yourself into a stronger presidency.