Curtail - Definition. Was ist Curtail

Was (wer) ist Curtail - definition

(curtails, curtailing, curtailed)
If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it. (FORMAL)
NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region...
= restrict
·noun The scroll termination of any architectural member, as of a step, ·etc.
II. Curtail ·vt To cut off the end or tail, or any part, of; to Shorten; to Abridge; to Diminish; to Reduce.
¦ verb place a restriction on.
curtailment noun
C15: from obs. curtal 'horse with a docked tail', from Fr. courtault, from court 'short', from L. curtus; the change in the ending was due to assoc. with tail1.
Aussprachebeispiele für Curtail
1. stop harvest, curtail harvest, shorten growing seasons
The Doomsday Machine _ Daniel Ellsberg _ Talks at Google
2. has significantly limited power to curtail
The Industries of the Future _ Alec Ross _ Talks at Google
3. Because they want to, basically, drastically curtail
New Galaxy Formation Insights _ Joel Primack _ Talks at Google
4. They seek to curtail the freedom of religion
5. be able to quickly curtail the audibleness of that expression,
What the F _ Benjamin Bergen _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Curtail
1. That requirement would seriously curtail future deployments.
2. Those groups that want to reverse or curtail Roe v.
3. Another measure would severely curtail domestic partnership benefits.
4. The state had large stocks of gas to curtail shortages.
5. Critics argue that this will curtail freedom of speech.