Disentangle - Definition. Was ist Disentangle

Was (wer) ist Disentangle - definition

·vt To extricate from complication and perplexity; disengage from embarrassing connection or intermixture; to Disembroil; to set free; to Separate.
II. Disentangle ·vt To free from entanglement; to release from a condition of being intricately and confusedly involved or interlaced; to reduce to orderly arrangement; to straighten out; as, to disentangle a skein of yarn.
v. (D; refl., tr.) to disentangle from
v. a.
Unravel, untwist, unfold, loosen, separate, straighten out.
Extricate, disengage, disembroil, liberate, clear, loose, unloose, disconnect, detach, free, set free.
Aussprachebeispiele für Disentangle
1. disentangle -- at least hard for me to disentangle.
The Price of Civilization _ Jeffrey Sachs _ Talks at Google
2. disentangle these two possibilites?
3. and it's hard to disentangle.
Pink _ Talks at Google
4. that we need to disentangle.
Arianna Huffington _ Thrive _ Talks at Google
5. So we can't disentangle that.
Sensing Attention - Focus, Stress, and Affect at Work _ Gloria Mark _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Disentangle
1. They had to disentangle organs, including entwined intestines.
2. Fortunately, we have Obama to help disentangle the racial threads.
3. Motives for going to war are always difficult to disentangle.
4. Here too it‘s worth trying to disentangle myth from reality.
5. Maybe because they don‘t want to disentangle themselves?" he grinned, generating giggles from the audience.