FLAVORS - Definition. Was ist FLAVORS

Was (wer) ist FLAVORS - definition

Flavour; Flavor (disambiguation); Flavour (disambiguation); Flavors; Flavors (disambiguation); Deliciousness; Flavor (song); Flavours

Lisp with object-oriented features by D. Weinreb and D.A. Moon <moon@cambridge.apple.com>, 1980. ["Object-Oriented Programming with Flavors", D.A. Moon, SIGPLAN Notices 21(11):1-8 (OOPSLA '86) (Nov 1986)]. (1994-12-01)
New Flavors         
Flavors lisp; Flavor computer science; Flavors computer science; New Flavors; Flavors (computer science); Flavors (Lisp)
An object-oriented Lisp from Symbolics, the successor to Flavors, it led to CLOS. ["Reference Guide to Symbolics-Lisp", Symbolics, March 1985]. (1994-10-10)
Flavors (programming language)         
Flavors lisp; Flavor computer science; Flavors computer science; New Flavors; Flavors (computer science); Flavors (Lisp)
Flavors,Howard Cannon, Flavors: A non-hierarchical approach to object-oriented programming, Symbolics Inc., 1982 an early object-oriented extension to Lisp developed by Howard Cannon at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for the Lisp machine and its programming language Lisp Machine Lisp, was the first programming language to include mixins.



Flavor or flavour is either the sensory perception of taste or smell, or a flavoring in food that produces such perception.

Flavor or flavour may also refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für FLAVORS
1. flavors.
Enjoy _ Virginia Morrison & Marty Mendiola _ Talks at Google
2. flavors.
The Drinking Food of Thailand _ Andy Ricker _ Talks at Google
3. flavors.
The Wonders of Pulses - Saving our Health & Agriculture _ Liz Carlisle + More _ Talks at Google
4. taste that there's more flavors, detectable flavors?
Coffee and Roasting and Beer, Oh My! _ Mostra Coffee _ Talks at Google
5. Stronger flavors begin to overwhelm lesser flavors.
Tea Talk _ Ned Heagerty _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für FLAVORS
1. "She knows what flavors go with what flavors and that‘s almost a sense," Coffman said.
2. Without smell, flavors would be barely detectable.
3. These delicious flavors are usually not available in regular carbonated soft drinks and trying one flavor will get you curious to taste the rest of the tasty flavors.
4. Instead of the original four flavors, there are now more than 30 available in the United States and more than 50 flavors available internationally.
5. Although the company advertised that it offered 31 flavors, in fact it has created more than 1,000 flavors, according to its Web site.