Interchange - Definition. Was ist Interchange

Was (wer) ist Interchange - definition

Interchanged; Interchanges; Interchange (disambiguation)

·noun Alternate succession; alternation; a mingling.
II. Interchange ·vi To make an interchange; to Alternate.
III. Interchange ·noun The mutual exchange of commodities between two persons or countries; barter; commerce.
IV. Interchange ·noun The act of mutually changing; the act of mutually giving and receiving; exchange; as, the interchange of civilities between two persons.
V. Interchange ·vt To cause to follow alternately; to Intermingle; to Vary; as, to interchange cares with pleasures.
VI. Interchange ·vt To put each in the place of the other; to give and take mutually; to Exchange; to Reciprocate; as, to interchange places; they interchanged friendly offices and services.
If there is an interchange of ideas or information among a group of people, each person talks about his or her ideas or gives information to the others.
What made the meeting exciting was the interchange of ideas from different disciplines...
= exchange
N-VAR: with supp, usu N of n
If you interchange one thing with another, or you interchange two things, each thing takes the place of the other or is exchanged for the other. You can also say that two things interchange.
She likes to interchange her furnishings at home with the stock in her shop...
Your task is to interchange words so that the sentence makes sense.
...the point where the illusions of the stage and reality begin to interchange.
V-RECIP: V n with n, V pl-n, pl-n V, also V with n
Interchange is also a noun.
...the interchange of matter and energy at atomic or sub-atomic levels.
N-VAR: oft N of n
An interchange on a motorway, freeway, or road is a place where it joins a main road or another motorway or freeway.
= junction
N-COUNT: usu n N
¦ verb ?nt?'t?e?n(d)? (of people) exchange (things) with each other.
?put each of (two things) in the other's place.
¦ noun '?nt?t?e?n(d)?
1. the action of interchanging.
an exchange of words.
2. alternation: the interchange of woods and meadows.
3. a road junction on several levels so that traffic streams do not intersect.
4. a station where passengers may change from one railway line or bus service to another.
interchangeability noun
interchangeable adjective
interchangeableness noun
interchangeably adverb



Interchange may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für Interchange
1. The interchange of ideas.
Is a College Education Worth it _ Eric mazur, Kara Miller _ Talks at Google
2. like to interchange--
Improving Lives for LGBTQ+ People _ Bella Fitzpatrick _ Talks at Google
3. It's the interchange of ideas,
4. We love these interchanges.
The Real-Life MBA _ Jack & Suzy Welch _ Talks at Google
5. and listen to those interchanges.
Open Source Chrome Browser Mission _ Jay Trimble _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Interchange
1. "Once completed, motorists travelling from Sharjah to Dubai will not get stuck in traffic jams for hours at Al Nahda Interchange and Al Qiyada Interchange," he said.
2. The ideal was "politeness", conversation, and easy interchange.
3. The interchange has been renamed Khulafa Ar Rashideen.
4. There is little social interchange between the different communities.
5. The interchange between nearly and not quite there.