Knowledge Level - Definition. Was ist Knowledge Level

Was (wer) ist Knowledge Level - definition

knowledge level         
<artificial intelligence> A level of description of the knowledge of an agent that is independent of the agent's internal symbol-level representation. Knowledge can be attributed to agents by observing their actions. An agent "knows" something if it acts as if it had the information and is acting rationally to achieve its goals. The "actions" of agents, including knowledge base servers and {knowledge-based systems}, can be seen through a "tell and ask" functional interface, where a client interacts with an agent by making logical assertions (tell), and posing queries (ask). (1994-10-19)
Knowledge level         
In artificial intelligence, knowledge-based agents draw on a pool of logical sentences to infer conclusions about the world. At the knowledge level, we only need to specify what the agent knows and what its goals are; a logical abstraction separate from details of implementation.
Knowledge level modeling         
Knowledge level modeling is the process of theorizing over observations about a world and, to some extent, explaining the behavior of an agent as it interacts with its environment.


Knowledge level

In artificial intelligence, knowledge-based agents draw on a pool of logical sentences to infer conclusions about the world. At the knowledge level, we only need to specify what the agent knows and what its goals are; a logical abstraction separate from details of implementation.

This notion of knowledge level was first introduced by Allen Newell in the 1980s, to have a way to rationalize an agent's behavior. The agent takes actions based on knowledge it possesses, in an attempt to reach specific goals. It chooses actions according to the principle of rationality.

Beneath the knowledge level resides the symbol level. Whereas the knowledge level is world oriented, namely that it concerns the environment in which the agent operates, the symbol level is system oriented, in that it includes the mechanisms the agent has available to operate. The knowledge level rationalizes the agent's behavior, while the symbol level mechanizes the agent's behavior.

For example, in a computer program, the knowledge level consists of the information contained in its data structures that it uses to perform certain actions. The symbol level consists of the program's algorithms, the data structures themselves, and so on.

Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Knowledge Level
1. It will help them gain recognition and it will raise the [knowledge] level of students,» he said.
2. With the amount of time that a candidate spends in these places (around 1.5 years in academic studies in an IIM) it is impossible to change the fundamental knowledge level of a student.