Miracula - Definition. Was ist Miracula

Was (wer) ist Miracula - definition

An implementation of a subset of Miranda by Stefan Kahrs <smk@ed.ac.uk>, LFCS, no modules or files. Can be interactively switched between eager and lazy evaluation. Portable source in C from the author.
Miracula Martialis         
The Miracula MartialisFull title: Miracula sancti Martialis episcopi Lemovicensis, "Miracles of Saint Martial, Bishop of Limoges". is a collection of miracle reports written in Latin.
Miracula Nyniae Episcopi         
The Miracula Nynie Episcopi () is an anonymously written 8th-century hagiographic work describing miracles attributed to Saint Ninian. It is considered a non-historical work, and copies are not widely extant.