PAL - Definition. Was ist PAL

Was (wer) ist PAL - definition

Pal; Pal (disambiguation)

  • A [[waterfall display]] showing a 20ms long interlaced PAL frame with high FFT resolution
  • carrier]].
  • waterfall]] of an actual PAL-I transmission with [[NICAM]].
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—two lines.
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—several lines.
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—one frame.
  • Analyzing a PAL signal and decoding the 20ms frame and 64µs lines
  • Spectrum of a System I television channel with PAL.
¦ noun a friend.
¦ verb (pals, palling, palled) (pal up) form a friendship.
C17: from Romany, 'brother, mate', based on Sanskrit bhrat? 'brother'.
  • A [[waterfall display]] showing a 20ms long interlaced PAL frame with high FFT resolution
  • carrier]].
  • waterfall]] of an actual PAL-I transmission with [[NICAM]].
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—two lines.
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—several lines.
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—one frame.
  • Analyzing a PAL signal and decoding the 20ms frame and 64µs lines
  • Spectrum of a System I television channel with PAL.
Privileged Architecture Library (Reference: DEC, Alpha)
  • A [[waterfall display]] showing a 20ms long interlaced PAL frame with high FFT resolution
  • carrier]].
  • waterfall]] of an actual PAL-I transmission with [[NICAM]].
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—two lines.
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—several lines.
  • Oscillogram of composite PAL signal—one frame.
  • Analyzing a PAL signal and decoding the 20ms frame and 64µs lines
  • Spectrum of a System I television channel with PAL.
n. a pen pal (BE also has pen friend)


PAL (disambiguation)

PAL (Phase Alternating Line) is a colour encoding system for analogue television.

PAL or Pal may also refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für PAL
1. Okay, pal?
Moon (2009)
2. Sorry, pal.
The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
3. Whatever, pal.
Off-Broadway's Teenage Dick _ Diversity in the Arts _ Talks at Google
4. We need you, pal.
The Departed (2006)
5. Chen ik pal Nahin Chen ik pal Nahin
Rock and Roll Jihad - A Muslim Rock Star's Revolution _ Salman Ahmad _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für PAL
1. Her vibrance strikes the right chord in the popular number ‘Pal Pal Har Pal‘. She’s certainly the face to watch out for in the tinsel town.
2. J–PAL South Asia at IFMR and J–PAL Europe will be key to this strategy.
3. The formal launch of J–PAL Europe is likely to be one of the highlights of 2008 for J–PAL.
4. "Tell me something, pal," Vladimir Vladimirovich™ said.
5. "Hey, pal," Vladimir Vladimirovich™ said quietly.