POS - Definition. Was ist POS

Was (wer) ist POS - definition

PoS; P.O.S.; Pos; P O S; P. O. S.; POS (disambiguation); Pòs; P.O.S. (disambiguation); P.O.S

Piece Of Shit (Reference: telecommunication-slang, Usenet, IRC)
Professional Operating System (Reference: OS, DEC), "Style: P/OS"
Programmable Object Select



POS, Pos or PoS may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für POS
1. AUDIENCE: Power Poses.
Gemma Munro _ Talks at Google
2. either high-power poses or low-power poses,
3. on Power Poses.
Gemma Munro _ Talks at Google
4. poses a problem.
The Meta-Problem of Consciousness _ Professor David Chalmers _ Talks at Google
5. ever, about power poses.
How to Own The Room _ Viv Groskop _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für POS
1. Scroll down to read more: Spot the winner: Lewis Hamilton is mobbed by pit crew and fans after victory LEWIS HAMILTON‘S SEASON TO DATE Mar 18: Australian Grand Prix (Melbourne)– Qual: 4; Pos: 3; Pts: 6 Apr 8: Malaysian Grand Prix (Sepang) – Qual: 4; Pos: 2; Pts: 14 Apr 15: Bahrain Grand Prix (Manama) – Qual: 2; Pos: 2; Pts: 22 May 13: Spanish Grand Prix (Barcelona) – Qual: 4; Pos: 2; Pts: 30 May 27: Monaco Grand Prix (Monte Carlo) – Qual: 2; Pos: 2; Pts: 38 Jun 10: Canadian Grand Prix (Montreal) – Qual: 1; Pos 1; Pts: 48 Share this article: What is this?
2. But the army has a pos–ition in Turkish society that is unique in Europe.
3. The agreement will allow Koh Pos Investment to develop and manage Koh Pos, or Snake Island, for '' years, said Khiem Kolneath, an assistant to Alexander Trofimov, the company‘s chairman. (AP) «
4. Payment can be made with only a touch of the card to the POS device.
5. The number of POS terminals also increased from '82,'86 to 1.1 million over the same period.