RAIS - Definition. Was ist RAIS

Was (wer) ist RAIS - definition

Ra'is; Raʾīs

·noun ·same·as 2d Reis.
Raïs Hamidou         
Rais Hamidou; Rais hamidu; Rais Hamidu; Reis Hamidou; Hamidou ben Ali; Hamide Reis
Hamidou ben Ali , known as Raïs Hamidou (), or Amidon in American literature, born around 1770 in Algiers, and died on June 17, 1815, near Cape Gata off the coast of southern Spain, was an Algerian corsair. He captured up to 200 ships during his career.



Raʾīs (Arabic: رئيس), plural ruʾasāʾ, is an Arabic title meaning 'chief' or 'leader'. It comes from the word for head, raʾs. The corresponding word for leadership or chieftaincy is riʾāsa. It is often translated as 'president' in Arabic, and as 'boss' in Persian. Swahili speakers may also use it for president. The Ottoman Turkish form of the title is reis, which denoted a captain (a term with identical etymology, being from Latin caput, 'head').

The term raʾīs is of pre-Islamic origin. It may function as an honorific laqab in a person's name. In the central Arab world, the term originally meant village headman.

Aussprachebeispiele für RAIS
1. to raise money and raise awareness.
Scott Harrison _ Keep Water Flowing _ Talks at Google
2. to raise awareness, to raise money.
Scott Harrison _ Keep Water Flowing _ Talks at Google
3. to raise.
0 _ Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen _ Talks at Google
4. raise awareness.
_ Adam Skolnick _ Talks at Google
5. raise livestock.
28 Days Later... (2002)
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für RAIS
1. Rais decided to get even by writing his own book.
2. They have long–term objectives in the region," Rais said.
3. The rais coordinates practically every significant move with Barghouti.
4. The Rais have ordered Ash’s trousseau from Lulla.
5. We want the government to control the prices," said one demonstrator, Rais Khan.