Recede - Definition. Was ist Recede

Was (wer) ist Recede - definition

v. (D; intr.) to recede from
(recedes, receding, receded)
If something recedes from you, it moves away.
Luke's footsteps receded into the night...
As she receded he waved goodbye.
VERB: V prep, V
When something such as a quality, problem, or illness recedes, it becomes weaker, smaller, or less intense.
Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede...
If a man's hair starts to recede, it no longer grows on the front of his head.
...a youngish man with dark hair just beginning to recede...
·vi To move back; to Retreat; to Withdraw.
II. Recede ·vi To cede back; to grant or yield again to a former possessor; as, to recede conquered territory.
III. Recede ·vi To withdraw a claim or pretension; to Desist; to relinquish what had been proposed or asserted; as, to recede from a demand or proposition.
Aussprachebeispiele für Recede
1. recede.
The Way of Wanderlust _ Don George _ Talks at Google
2. other things recede.
THE UNWINDING - An Inner History of the New America _ George Packer _ Talks at Google
3. other things recede.
New Yorker writer George Packer _ Talks at Google
4. for the deluge to recede.
Crooked _ Austin Grossman _ Talks at Google
5. Cool colors recede in a picture.
The Lens is the Brush _ Vincent Versace _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Recede
1. When the waters recede, the continent rises again.
2. A correct estimate will only be possible after waters recede.
3. The real estate boom could recede or even implode.
4. When it didn‘t happen, any disappointment began to recede.
5. It will recede a bit in its singular, driving importance.