Scream - Definition. Was ist Scream

Was (wer) ist Scream - definition

Scream (movie); Scream (song); Scream (single); SCREAM; Scream (Song); Scream (album); Scream (disambiguation); Scream (film); Scream! (disambiguation); Scream!; Scream! (song)

I. v. n.
Shriek, screech, cry out (in a shrill voice).
II. n.
Shriek, screech, yell, outcry, shrill cry.
(screams, screaming, screamed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
When someone screams, they make a very loud, high-pitched cry, for example because they are in pain or are very frightened.
Women were screaming; some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire...
He staggered around the playground, screaming in agony...
VERB: V, V in n
Scream is also a noun.
Hilda let out a scream.
...screams of terror.
If you scream something, you shout it in a loud, high-pitched voice.
'Brigid!' she screamed. 'Get up!'...
They started screaming abuse at us.
VERB: V with quote, V n
When something makes a loud, high-pitched noise, you can say that it screams. (WRITTEN)
She slammed the car into gear, the tyres screaming as her foot jammed against the accelerator...
As he talked, an airforce jet screamed over the town.
= screech
VERB: V, V prep/adv
Scream is also a noun.
There was a scream of brakes from the carriageway outside.
= screech
n. a bloodcurdling, shrill scream
1) (B) she screamed a few words to me
2) (D; intr.) to scream at; for (he screamed at the children for making noise)
3) (d; intr.) to scream for (to scream for help)
4) (D; intr.) to scream with (to scream with pain)
5) (L) she screamed that the house was on fire
6) (N; used with a reflexive pronoun and an adjective) (she screamed herself hoarse)



Scream may refer to:

  • Screaming, a loud vocalization
Aussprachebeispiele für Scream
1. Scream, scream, scream, scream.
Schitt's Creek _ Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Dan Levy, Annie Murphy _ Talks at Google
2. Loud! Scream!
Bad Santa (2003)
3. The Scream. Every moment was a scream.
4. They cry and scream a silent scream.
Great Food Starts Fresh Gazpacho Demo _ Nathan Lyon _ Talks at Google
5. You scream.
The New Superpower for Women _ Steve Kardian _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Scream
1. Producer Wexler recounted Pickett‘s intense, raw vocal style for the Chicago Tribune: "James Brown would scream and it was a scream, but Wilson could scream notes.
2. "I know that the environmentalists will kick and scream, but they‘re not going to scream and kick as much as these kids that are coming back" wounded.
3. Kim Jong–il wants the West to play by his rules or, like Just William‘s Violet Elizabeth Bott, he‘ll scream and scream until he‘s sick.
4. Neighbours rushed out after hearing the "blood–curdling" scream.
5. Mrs Horton heard a scream before the line went dead.