Unfold - Definition. Was ist Unfold

Was (wer) ist Unfold - definition

Unfold (disambiguation); Unfold (album)

·vt To release from a fold or pen; as, to unfold sheep.
II. Unfold ·vt To open the folds of; to Expand; to spread out; as, to unfold a tablecloth.
III. Unfold ·vi To Open; to Expand; to become disclosed or developed.
IV. Unfold ·vt To open, as anything covered or close; to lay open to view or contemplation; to bring out in all the details, or by successive development; to Display; to Disclose; to Reveal; to Elucidate; to Explain; as, to unfold one's designs; to unfold the principles of a science.
(unfolds, unfolding, unfolded)
If a situation unfolds, it develops and becomes known or understood.
The outcome depends on conditions as well as how events unfold...
If a story unfolds or if someone unfolds it, it is told to someone else.
Don's story unfolded as the cruise got under way...
Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.
VERB: V, V n
If someone unfolds something which has been folded or if it unfolds, it is opened out and becomes flat.
He quickly unfolded the blankets and spread them on the mattress...
When the bird lifts off into flight, its wings unfold to an impressive six-foot span.
? fold
VERB: V n, V



Unfold may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für Unfold
1. unfold.
Chinese Politics & Authoritarian Regimes _ Professor Rory Truex _ Talks at Google
2. will unfold.
The Uninhabitable Earth - Life After Warming _ David Wallace _ Talks at Google
3. tests unfold.
The Accidental Apprentice _ Vikas Swarup _ Talks at Google
4. start to unfold.
Stephen Walker _ Beyond _ Talks at Google
5. that it would unfold.
Grace Plains Intro _ Jeff Burke _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Unfold
1. Past attempts to unfold similar devices in space have failed.
2. But Riccio was not clear how the operation would unfold.
3. Ann Armstrong, 30, of Detroit, watched the shootings unfold.
4. "I ask their continued patience as recovery operations unfold.
5. And this may unfold a new political competition there.