about-face - Definition. Was ist about-face

Was (wer) ist about-face - definition

About turn; About-face; About face; About Face (disambiguation); About Face (film)

An about-face is a complete change of attitude or opinion.
Few observers believe the president will do an about-face and start spending more.
= U-turn, volte-face
n. (esp. AE)
sudden change in attitude
to do an about-face
About Face Media         
About face media; Aboutface media
About Face Media (sometimes referred to as AboutFace) is an American video agency that produces and promotes short-form documentaries within social media on behalf of commercial clients. The company was founded in 2007 as an independently owned new media content marketing agency and later narrowed its focus to documentaries.


About Face

About Face may refer to:

  • About-face, a drill command in which a unit or soldier makes a 180-degree turn
Aussprachebeispiele für about-face
1. Right about... face!
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
2. called Underwater Healer About Face
The Power of Total Immersion _ Erena Shimoda _ Talks at Google
3. were talking about face masks.
72nd Annual Tony Awards Nominees _ Talks at Google
4. AUDIENCE: You talked about face recognition.
Three Things I Learned from My One Week Blind Experience _ Arnaud Lenglet _ Talks at Google
5. for female-led revolution, a quiet, peaceful about face
We - A Manifesto for Women Everywhere _ Gillian Anderson & Jennifer Nadel _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für about-face
1. The Grossis, among many others, have welcomed the about–face.
2. "We‘re doing an about–face, across the board," Runion said.
3. ABOUT–FACE The government at first banned the Sderot rally.
4. Bookmark to del.icio.us Muslim about face A key U.K.
5. The parliamentary about–face followed a storm of p...