axiom - Definition. Was ist axiom

Was (wer) ist axiom - definition

AXIOM; AXIOM computer algebra system; Open Axiom; Axiom (album)

An axiom is a statement or idea which people accept as being true. (FORMAL)
...the long-held axiom that education leads to higher income.
= principle
N-COUNT: oft N that
<logic> A well-formed formula which is taken to be true without proof in the construction of a theory. Compare: lemma. (1995-03-31)
1) to lay down an axiom
2) an axiom that + clause (we accept the axiom that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points)


Axiom (disambiguation)

An axiom is a proposition in mathematics and epistemology that is taken to be self-evident or is chosen as a starting point of a theory.

Axiom may also refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für axiom
1. That's also an axiom.
USA's Leading Dissident Voice _ Noam Chomsky _ Talks at Google
2. That's axiom number one.
Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence _ John Searle _ Talks at Google
3. an axiom of philosophy.
The Silence of Physics _ Galen Strawson _ Talks at Google
4. It's not a philosophical axiom.
Thriving in Difficult Times _ Doug Kraft _ Talks at Google
5. Notice that that's an axiom.
USA's Leading Dissident Voice _ Noam Chomsky _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für axiom
1. "I truly believe the axiom that lines beget lines.
2. That seems to be the axiom in New York these days, where Gov.
3. In 1''' Ericsson broke its agency agreement in Dubai and appointed Axiom as a second agent.
4. According to the common axiom here: So goes the campus, so goes the nation.
5. The first axiom is that every Palestinian security prisoner is a criminal.