backing - Definition. Was ist backing

Was (wer) ist backing - definition

Back (sports); Backing

1) financial backing
2) backing for (financial backing for a project)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
If someone has the backing of an organization or an important person, they receive support or money from that organization or person in order to do something.
He said the president had the full backing of his government to negotiate a deal...
Mr Bach set up his own consulting business with the backing of his old boss.
= support
N-UNCOUNT: usu N of/for n
A backing is a layer of something such as cloth that is put onto the back of something in order to strengthen or protect it.
The backing of a popular song is the music which is sung or played to accompany the main tune.
Sharon also sang backing vocals for Barry Manilow...
N-COUNT: oft N n
·noun Support or aid given to a person or cause.
II. Backing · & ·vb.n. of Back.
III. Backing ·noun The act of moving backward, or of putting or moving anything backward.
IV. Backing ·noun The preparation of the back of a book with glue, ·etc., before putting on the cover.
V. Backing ·noun That which is behind, and forms the back of, anything, usually giving strength or stability.


Back (disambiguation)

The back is the large posterior area of the human body, rising from the top of the buttocks to the back of the neck and the shoulders.

Back may also refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für backing
1. backing in, backing out --
2. backing and no counterparty.
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
3. I'll be backing away.
Krav Maga Tactical Survival _ Gershon Ben Keren _ Talks at Google
4. backing that thought up.
Overcome Negative Thoughts _ Derrick Carpenter _ Talks at Google
5. Backing up is not the same as backing down.
On the Edge - Leadership Lessons from Mount Everest _ Alison Levine _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für backing
1. Q:Â So you‘re backing off that, or you‘re not backing off it?
2. Chad accuses Sudan of backing the Chad rebels, while Sudan accuses Chad of backing Darfur rebels.
3. Brown, a black spectator, sat in court, backing Campbell for not backing down.
4. Katz never gave his backing, but backing was officially received from the Ministry of Education.
5. Q:В So youre backing off that, or youre not backing off it?