big business - Definition. Was ist big business

Was (wer) ist big business - definition

Big business         
Big Business; Big capital; Big company; Big enterprise; Big enterprises; Big corporation; Big corporations; Big businesses; Criticism of big business; Big biz
Big business involves large-scale corporate-controlled financial or business activities. As a term, it describes activities that run from "huge transactions" to the more general "doing big things".
big business         
Big Business; Big capital; Big company; Big enterprise; Big enterprises; Big corporation; Big corporations; Big businesses; Criticism of big business; Big biz
Big business is business which involves very large companies and very large sums of money.
Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.
Something that is big business is something which people spend a lot of money on, and which has become an important commercial activity.
Sport has become big business.
big business         
Big Business; Big capital; Big company; Big enterprise; Big enterprises; Big corporation; Big corporations; Big businesses; Criticism of big business; Big biz
¦ noun large-scale financial or commercial activity.
Aussprachebeispiele für big business
1. big businesses--
Conscious Capitalism _ John Mackey _ Talks at Google
2. I've covered big businesses.
Work First Culture Fails Families & Businesses _ Josh Levs _ Talks at Google
3. big business books.
Breaking Out _ John Butman _ Talks Google
4. to big business.
Harris _ Talks at Google
5. from the big business.
The Lean Entrepreneur _ Brant Cooper & Patrick Vlaskovits _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für big business
1. Social networking sites have become big business.
2. Freeman, 33, is well versed in representing big business.
3. "Either that or executives in a big business somewhere.
4. International students are big business for UK universities.
5. The rise of big business involved more than tycoons.