bungee jumping - Definition. Was ist bungee jumping

Was (wer) ist bungee jumping - definition

Bungee jump; Bungy jump; Bungie jumping; Bunjee jumping; Bungyjumping; Bungee-jump; Bungy; Bungie Jump; Bungy jumping; Suspended Catch Air Device; SCAD diving; Erin Langworthy; Bungee Jumping; Bungee jumper
  • Bungee jumping off the [[Victoria Falls Bridge]] in Zambia/[[Zimbabwe]]
  • Looking down from atop the Verzasca Dam bungee tower near [[Locarno]] in [[Ticino]], Switzerland
  • Bungee Jump in [[Normandy]], France ([[Souleuvre Viaduct]])
  • Jump from [[Nevis Highwire Platform]] in New Zealand
  • Jumping at [[Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge]] in [[Queenstown, New Zealand]], April 2007
  • Pentecost]]
  • A steel cage platform used for lifting it with a [[mobile crane]]. In the center of the base, a 15 cm wide hole with rounded plastic rim is provided to guide the bungee rope during the jump.
  • SCAD dive system rigged on a crane
  • Bungee jumping from the [[Souleuvre Viaduct]] in Normandy

bungee jumping         
If someone goes bungee jumping, they jump from a high place such as a bridge or cliff with a long piece of strong elastic cord tied around their ankle connecting them to the bridge or cliff.
bungee jumping         
¦ noun the sport of leaping from a high place, secured by a bungee around the ankles.
bungee jump noun
bungee jumper noun
Bungee (disambiguation)
¦ noun (also bungee cord or rope) a long nylon-cased rubber band used for securing luggage and in the sport of bungee jumping.
1930s: of unknown origin.


Bungee jumping

Bungee jumping (), also spelled bungy jumping, is an activity that involves a person jumping from a great height while connected to a large elastic cord. The launching pad is usually erected on a tall structure such as a building or crane, a bridge across a deep ravine, or on a natural geographic feature such as a cliff. It is also possible to jump from a type of aircraft that has the ability to hover above the ground, such as a hot-air-balloon or helicopter. The thrill comes from the free-falling and the rebound. When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and continues to oscillate up and down until all the kinetic energy is dissipated.

Aussprachebeispiele für bungee jumping
1. bungee jumping.
2312 _ Kim Stanley Robinson _ Talks at Google
2. It can happen bungee jumping.
Radical Brilliance _ Arjuna Ardag _ Talks at Google
3. Then don't do bungee jumping.
10X - Leadership in Innovation _ Kamal Haasan _ Talks at Google
4. ALAN SEALES: The bungee jumping.
Misery on Broadway _ Laurie Metcalf + More _ Talks at Google
5. to Nowhere to go bungee jumping.
Is Our Purpose in Life to Have Fun _ Chris Koch _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für bungee jumping
1. "Others get their kicks bungee jumping from tall buildings.
2. One print ad featured a photo of a young woman bungee jumping off a bridge.
3. Now there‘s a cyber–caf, a PlayStation game, a masseur, a karaoke night, bungee jumping and mountain biking.
4. Batting cages, go–carts, alpine slide, mountain biking, rock wall, mini–golf, trampoline bungee–jumping, zipline and other activities.
5. Hood Adventure Park has bungee–jumping, zipline, rock–climbing wall Dune buggy rides "more fun than an amusement park" Next Article in Travel» By Beth J.