buzz - Definition. Was ist buzz

Was (wer) ist buzz - definition

Buzz Buzz; Buzzing; The Buzz (comics); Buzz (disambiguation); Buzz (album); Buzz (comics)

·vt To sound with a "buzz".
II. Buzz ·vt To sound forth by buzzing.
III. Buzz ·noun The audible friction of voice consonants.
IV. Buzz ·noun A whisper; a report spread secretly or cautiously.
V. Buzz ·vt To talk to incessantly or confidentially in a low humming voice.
VI. Buzz ·vt To Whisper; to communicate, as tales, in an under tone; to spread, as report, by whispers, or secretly.
VII. Buzz ·noun A continuous, humming noise, as of bees; a confused murmur, as of general conversation in low tones, or of a general expression of surprise or approbation.
VIII. Buzz ·vi To make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound, like that made by bees with their wings. Hence: To utter a murmuring sound; to speak with a low, humming voice.
I. v. n.
Hum, make a humming sound (as bees).
Whisper, murmur.
II. n.
Hum, humming noise.
Whisper, murmur.
(buzzes, buzzing, buzzed)
If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying.
The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch...
Attack helicopters buzzed across the city.
VERB: V, V prep/adv
Buzz is also a noun.
...the irritating buzz of an insect.
He switched off the transformer and the buzzing stopped.
If people are buzzing around, they are moving around quickly and busily. (WRITTEN)
A few tourists were buzzing about...
= race
VERB: V adv/prep
If questions or ideas are buzzing around your head, or if your head is buzzing with questions or ideas, you are thinking about a lot of things, often in a confused way.
Many more questions were buzzing around in my head...
Top style consultants will leave you buzzing with new ideas.
VERB: V around in n, V with n, also V
If a place is buzzing with activity or conversation, there is a lot of activity or conversation there, especially because something important or exciting is about to happen.
The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity...
...Hong Kong's buzzing, pulsating atmosphere.
VERB: usu cont, V with n, V-ing, also V, V prep
You can use buzz to refer to a long continuous sound, usually caused by lots of people talking at once.
A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as the defendant was led in.
...the excited buzz of conversation.
N-SING: usu N of n
If something gives you a buzz, it makes you feel very happy or excited for a short time. (INFORMAL)
Performing still gives him a buzz...
He got a buzz from creating confrontations.
You can use buzz to refer to a word, idea, or activity which has recently become extremely popular.
...the latest buzz phrase in garden design circles...
Sex education in schools was the buzz topic.
If an aircraft buzzes a place, it flies low over it, usually in a threatening way.
American fighter planes buzzed the city.



Buzz may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für buzz
1. Fuzzy little sniffers. Buzz, buzz, buzz, keeping us safe, helping
Amazonia _ Hugh Raffles _ Talks at Google
2. adrenalin buzz.
Street Spirit - Powerful Protests & Mischief _ Steve Crawshaw _ Talks at Google
3. crack, handful, handful, buzz, buzz. Put a pan on.
Delicous Recipies _ Jamie Oliver _ Talks at Google
4. Oh, buzz off, bozo.
Two Weeks Notice (2002)
5. buzz that motor.
Creating New Human Senses _ David Eagleman _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für buzz
1. It just shows you what a little "buzz" will do – and a lot of buzz surrounds this book.
2. "The Buzz Donut and the Buzzed Bagel lets them get the caffeine buzz by simply eating a delicious pastry item."
3. And "Tsotsi" isn‘t just getting buzz in South Africa.
4. Giant balloons of Buzz Lightyear, Horton the elephant of Dr.
5. Tourist–filled helicopters and airplanes buzz around the Grand Canyon.