clauses - Definition. Was ist clauses

Was (wer) ist clauses - definition

English Grammar Clause; Clauses; Clause (grammar); Clause (linguistics); Clause (syntax); Finite clause; Wh-clause
  • Clause trees 1'
  • Clause trees 2
  • Clause trees 3'

group of words with a subject and predicate
1) a conditional; dependent, subordinate; independent, main; nonrestrictive; relative; restrictive; verbless clause
2) (esp. AE) a grandfather clause ('a clause that exempts those already engaged in an activity prohibited by new legislation')
3) an escalator; penalty clause
4) a most-favored-nation clause
In language, a clause is a constituent that comprises a semantic predicand (expressed or not) and a semantic predicate. A typical clause consists of a subject and a syntactic predicate,For a definition of the clause that emphasizes the subject-predicate relationship, see Radford (2004327f.
A clause is a section of a legal document.
He has a clause in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits.
...a complaint alleging a breach of clause 4 of the code.
N-COUNT: oft N num
In grammar, a clause is a group of words containing a verb. Sentences contain one or more clauses. There are finite clauses and non-finite clauses.



In language, a clause is a constituent that comprises a semantic predicand (expressed or not) and a semantic predicate. A typical clause consists of a subject and a syntactic predicate, the latter typically a verb phrase composed of a verb with any objects and other modifiers. However, the subject is sometimes unvoiced if it is retrievable from context, especially in null-subject language but also in other languages, including English instances of the imperative mood.

A complete simple sentence includes a single clause with a finite verb. Complex sentences contain multiple clauses including at least one independent clause (meaning, a clause that can stand alone as a simple sentence) coordinated either with at least one dependent clause (also called an embedded clause) or with one or more independent clauses.

Aussprachebeispiele für clauses
1. clause.
Student Loan Debt Crisis _ Zack Friedman _ Talks at Google
2. Clause.
The Truth about Santa _ Gregory Mone _ Talks at Google
3. An acceleration clause or an alienation clause--
Buying Foreclosures _ Trisha Ocona Francis _ Talks at Google
4. Ok, Santa Claus, Daddy, Santa Claus, Daddy.
Condoleezza Rice _ Talks at Google
5. clause, equality.
The Future of Race _ Eddie Huang, Paola Mendoz, Vint Cerf + More _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für clauses
1. One of the problematic clauses involves money workers received on the basis of illegal clauses.
2. The clauses numbered from 1 to 12, but between clauses ' and 10 an additional couple of clauses had been added without any renumbering.
3. Barak approved most of the clauses but asked for changes in clauses involving limiting initiatives by Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann.
4. Sunset clauses for new legislation and regulation.
5. Civilian expenditure clauses total NIS 11.1 billion.