disjunction - Definition. Was ist disjunction

Was (wer) ist disjunction - definition

Disjunction; Logical or; Or (logic); Disjunction (logic); Inclusive or; Logical OR; Inclusive disjunction; ⋁; Nonexclusive disjunction; Non-exclusive disjunction; Or symbol; ⋎; ⟇; ⟏; Boolean OR; Logical sum; Or operator; Parallel OR; Parallel or; Inclusive OR; Inclusive-or; Inclusive-OR; OR (logic)
  • OR [[logic gate]]
  • Venn diagram of <math>\scriptstyle A \lor B \lor C</math>

Separation, disconnection, disassociation, disunion, isolation, severance, parting.
¦ noun
1. a lack of correspondence or consistency.
2. Logic the relation of two distinct alternatives, or a statement expressing this.
Logical disjunction         
In logic, disjunction is a logical connective typically notated as \lor and read outloud as "or". For instance, the English language sentence "it is raining or it is snowing" can be represented in logic using the disjunctive formula R \lor S , assuming that R abbreviates "it is raining" and S abbreviates "it is snowing".


Logical disjunction

In logic, disjunction is a logical connective typically notated as {\displaystyle \lor } and read aloud as "or". For instance, the English language sentence "it is sunny or it is warm" can be represented in logic using the disjunctive formula S W {\displaystyle S\lor W} , assuming that S {\displaystyle S} abbreviates "it is sunny" and W {\displaystyle W} abbreviates "it is warm".

In classical logic, disjunction is given a truth functional semantics according to which a formula ϕ ψ {\displaystyle \phi \lor \psi } is true unless both ϕ {\displaystyle \phi } and ψ {\displaystyle \psi } are false. Because this semantics allows a disjunctive formula to be true when both of its disjuncts are true, it is an inclusive interpretation of disjunction, in contrast with exclusive disjunction. Classical proof theoretical treatments are often given in terms of rules such as disjunction introduction and disjunction elimination. Disjunction has also been given numerous non-classical treatments, motivated by problems including Aristotle's sea battle argument, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, as well as the numerous mismatches between classical disjunction and its nearest equivalents in natural languages.

Aussprachebeispiele für disjunction
1. by today's disjunction between science and the rest of culture.
2. There's a real disjunction between the patient's perception
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für disjunction
1. Early critics of the building have latched on to this disjunction.
2. Article continues There is, MPs are surely entitled to feel, some disjunction here.
3. But this highlights the disjunction in aims between the activists and celebrities.
4. But there is a huge disjunction here too, and it goes back to Iraq.
5. The BJP also discovered that there is a disjunction between technical policy competence and the themes that animate mass politics.