graph - Definition. Was ist graph

Was (wer) ist graph - definition

Graphs; Graph (disambiguation); Graphing; Graph (mathematics)

1. <mathematics> A collection of nodes and edges. See also connected graph, degree, directed graph, {Moore bound}, regular graph, tree. 2. <graphics> A visual representation of algebraic equations or data. (1996-09-22)
A graph is a mathematical diagram which shows the relationship between two or more sets of numbers or measurements.
·add. ·noun A curve or surface, the locus of a point whose coordinates are the variables in the equation of the locus.
II. Graph ·add. ·noun A diagram symbolizing a system of interrelations by spots, all distinguishable from one another and some connected by lines of the same kind.



Graph may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für graph
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The 4-Hour Body _ Tim Ferriss _ Talks at Google
2. Graph.
Sabine Hossenfelder _ Research Made Easy - Evaluate and Rank Your Way _ Talks at Google
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4. graph, but a regular graph-- it'll
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5. like graph search, Facebook graph search, where
Absolute Value _ Itamar Simonsen & Emanuel Rosen _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für graph
1. But note the relationship shown in the first graph.
2. Karan: I was talking to Anil about his career graph.
3. You‘re gay!‘ Charming: and another fluctuation on the graph.
4. But demand is already surging, as the graph shows.
5. The graph suggests the rest would arrive by 2.15pm.