hairy ball - Definition. Was ist hairy ball

Was (wer) ist hairy ball - definition

Hairy billiard ball theorem; Hairy billiard ball; Hairy ball; Hairy dog theorem
  • A [[hair whorl]]
  • A failed attempt to comb a hairy 3-ball (2-sphere), leaving a tuft at each pole
  • animated version of this graphic]].
  • A hairy doughnut (2-torus), on the other hand, is quite easily combable.

hairy ball         
<topology> A result in topology stating that a continuous vector field on a sphere is always zero somewhere. The name comes from the fact that you can't flatten all the hair on a hairy ball, like a tennis ball, there will always be a tuft somewhere (where the tangential projection of the hair is zero). An immediate corollary to this theorem is that for any continuous map f of the sphere into itself there is a point x such that f(x)=x or f(x) is the antipode of x. Another corollary is that at any moment somewhere on the Earth there is no wind. (2002-01-07)
Hairy ball theorem         
The hairy ball theorem of algebraic topology (sometimes called the hedgehog theorem in Europe) states that there is no nonvanishing continuous tangent vector field on even-dimensional n-spheres. For the ordinary sphere, or 2‑sphere, if f is a continuous function that assigns a vector in R3 to every point p on a sphere such that f(p) is always tangent to the sphere at p, then there is at least one pole, a point where the field vanishes (a p such that f(p) = 0).
Hairy Maclary and Friends         
Hairy Maclary's Bone; Slinky Malinki Open The Door; Hairy McLary; Schnitzel Von Krumm; Hairy MacLary; Hairy Maclary’s Bone; Hairy Maclary, Scattercat; Hairy Maclary's Showbusiness; Rumpus at the Vet; Zachary Quack Minimonster; Slinky Malinki's Christmas Crackers; Hairy Maclary's Hat Tricks; Hairy Maclary, Shoo; Slinky Malinki - Early Bird; Hairy Maclary - Shoo; Hairy Maclary Scattercat; Scarface Claw, Hold Tight; Hairy Maclary's Rumpus at the Vet; Caterwaul Caper; Hairy Maclary
Hairy Maclary and Friends is a series of children's picture books created by New Zealand author and illustrator Dame Lynley Dodd. The popular series has sold over five million copies worldwide.


Hairy ball theorem

The hairy ball theorem of algebraic topology (sometimes called the hedgehog theorem in Europe) states that there is no nonvanishing continuous tangent vector field on even-dimensional n-spheres. For the ordinary sphere, or 2‑sphere, if f is a continuous function that assigns a vector in R3 to every point p on a sphere such that f(p) is always tangent to the sphere at p, then there is at least one pole, a point where the field vanishes (a p such that f(p) = 0).

The theorem was first proved by Henri Poincaré for the 2-sphere in 1885, and extended to higher even dimensions in 1912 by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer.

The theorem has been expressed colloquially as "you can't comb a hairy ball flat without creating a cowlick" or "you can't comb the hair on a coconut".

Aussprachebeispiele für hairy ball
1. That's because of a theorem in algebraic topology called the "Hairy Ball Theorem" (and yes,
The Hairy Ball Theorem
2. into trouble. A lot of trouble. A big hairy ball of trouble.
The Hairy Ball Theorem
3. Technically speaking, what the Hairy Ball theorem says is that a continuous vector field
The Hairy Ball Theorem
4. velocity of wind along the surface of the earth is a vector field, so the Hairy Ball
The Hairy Ball Theorem
5. up. Now don't go wasting your time playing around with a hairy ball trying to prove the
The Hairy Ball Theorem