including - Definition. Was ist including

Was (wer) ist including - definition

Inclusion (disambiguation); Include; Including; Inclusions; Incl.; Include (disambiguation)

Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
You use including to introduce examples of people or things that are part of the group of people or things that you are talking about.
Stars including Joan Collins are expected to attend.
? excluding
PREP: PREP n/-ing
· & ·vb.n. of Include.
¦ preposition containing as part of the whole being considered.



Inclusion or Include may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für including
1. including communications, including legal services, including banking,
2. including fungicides, including disease, including mites.
Complete Idiot's Guide to Beekeeping _ Dean Stiglitz _ Talks at Google
3. including the government, including
4. including solar, including hydro.
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels _ Alex Epstein _ Talks at Google
5. including .
The Responsible Entrepruneur _ Carol Sanford _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für including
1. "But also we have a number of pending petitions before the agency," he said, "including airlines, including off–roads, including marine, including stationary sources, including NSPS, including PSD, and I can go on and on," he said, not even mentioning the NFL, the PGA, the NCAA.We Need All the Friends We Can Get Let‘s have a fine Loop Welcome for Dr.
2. Including Thursday‘s blast, the attacks have claimed the lives of 23 victims including two judges.
3. There are dozens of other bills, including one announced last week by senators including Sen.
4. Pakistani officials, including Musharraf, agreed.
5. He has a history of depressive illness, including much self–harm, exacerbated by continued cannabis (including skunk) use and drink.