lexical - Definition. Was ist lexical

Was (wer) ist lexical - definition

Lexically; Lexical (disambiguation)

·adj Of or pertaining to a lexicon, to lexicography, or words; according or conforming to a lexicon.
¦ adjective
1. relating to the words or vocabulary of a language.
2. relating to or of the nature of a lexicon or dictionary.
lexicalize or lexicalise verb
lexically adverb
C19: from Gk lexikos 'of words' + -al.
Lexical means relating to the words of a language.
We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the languages.
ADJ: usu ADJ n



Lexical may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für lexical
1. like lexical morphology, paradigm
The Art of Language Invention _ David Peterson _ Talks at Google
2. a functional lexical style.
Dyalog Modern Programming Language _ Morten Kromberg _ Talks at Google
3. Whereas dialect is lexical vocabulary
Your Voice Speaks Volumes _ Jane Setter _ Talks at Google
4. Latin-- certainly because of the lexical stuff.
Translators _ Michael Erard & Nataly Kelly _ Talks Google
5. We have ways of defining functions in a lexical style,
Dyalog Modern Programming Language _ Morten Kromberg _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für lexical
1. Rather than employ awkward lexical equivalents, there are other choices that can be made.
2. New Orleans speech is hard to understand more because of its accent and prosodic features, such as stress and tone, rather than its lexical variants.
3. In this, the prime minister and his advisers continue to share at least one assumption with arch–foe George Galloway; in one of the most curious lexical collisions in British politics, Tony and George equally lay claim to a talisman word: respect.
4. Don‘t ask for whom one tolls (it tolls for thee). Poor Edgar Allan Poe had such paltry lexical pickings for his poem about bells, he could only put in some descriptive verbs (throbbing, sobbing, moaning, groaning) and repeat the darn word dozens of times÷ "tolling of the bells, of the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells ..." Now if those fellows spoke Russian, they would have had something substantial to say about bells.