network - Definition. Was ist network

Was (wer) ist network - definition

Network (disambiguation); Networks; Network (movie); Networking; Networked; Network structure; Netwrok; Net work; Various Network; Networking (disambiguation); Network (film)

·noun Any system of lines or channels interlacing or crossing like the fabric of a net; as, a network of veins; a network of railroads.
II. Network ·noun A fabric of threads, cords, or wires crossing each other at certain intervals, and knotted or secured at the crossings, thus leaving spaces or meshes between them.
Conductors in parallel and crossing each other, with connections at the junctions. The term is sometimes so loosely applied as to include parallel conductors.
¦ noun
1. an arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.
2. a group or system of interconnected people or things.
a complex system of railways, roads, etc.
a group of broadcasting stations that connect for the simultaneous broadcast of a programme.
a number of interconnected computers, machines, or operations.
a system of connected electrical conductors.
¦ verb
1. connect as or operate with a network.
Brit. broadcast on a network.
link (computers) to operate interactively.
2. [often as noun networking] interact with others to exchange information and develop useful contacts.
networkable adjective



Network, networking and networked may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für network
1. network.
Neurocreativity - Are You Deliberate or Spontaneous _ Dr. Franc Ponti _ Talks at Google
2. network.
Neurocreativity - Are You Deliberate or Spontaneous _ Dr. Franc Ponti _ Talks at Google
3. network.
Chris Gethard Presents _ Chris Gethard & Friends _ Talks at Google
4. network.
Eccentric Orbits - Iridium Story _ John Irving Bloom _ Talks at Google
5. network.
How to Change Your Mind _ Michael Pollan _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für network
1. The company outsources its network operations to Sprint and does not own a network.
2. Their network has been disrupted ... the financial network has also been disrupted, he said.
3. The bank also has an ATM network comprising of 5' ATMs linked to the Jordanian National Payment Network (JONET) and to Visa International network.
4. The Iraqi Media Network operates several newspapers, radio stations and a flagship TV network, al–Iraqiya.
5. "None of the evidence suggests that any network provider manages their network for anti–competitive reasons.