offside rule - Definition. Was ist offside rule

Was (wer) ist offside rule - definition

Offside rule; Offsides; Off-side; Offside law; Offside rule (football); Offside (disambiguation); Offside law (football); Offsides (football); Off Sides; Offside (football); Off-sides; Offside (2006 film); Offside (film)

Offside (sport)         
  • referee of Austria]]; here as assistant referee, showing the position of an offside.
  • The blue forward on the left of the diagram is in an offside position as he is in front of both the second-to-last defender (marked by the dotted line) and the ball. Note that this does not necessarily mean he is committing an offside offence.
Offside, often pluralized as Offsides in American English, is a rule used by several different team sports regulating aspects of player positioning. It is particularly used in field sports with rules deriving from the various codes of football, such as association football, rugby union and rugby league, and in some other sports e.
also off-side
In games such as football or hockey, when an attacking player is offside, they have broken the rules by being nearer to the goal than a defending player when the ball is passed to them.
The goal was disallowed because Wark was offside.
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ
Offside is also an adverb.
Wise was standing at least ten yards offside.
ADV: ADV after v
Offside is also a noun.
Rush had a 45th-minute goal disallowed for offside.
In American football, a player is offside if they cross the line of scrimmage before a play begins. (AM)
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ
The offside of a vehicle is the side that is farthest from the edge of the road when the vehicle is being driven normally. (BRIT)
The driver of the car lowered his offside front window.
? nearside
N-SING: usu N n



Offside, off-side or off side may refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für offside rule
1. to be happier debating the offside rule
Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights _ Salman Rushdie _ Talks at Google
2. SALMAN RUSHDIE: Well, the offside rule is very important.
Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights _ Salman Rushdie _ Talks at Google
3. because I'm like a girl talking about the offside rule when it comes to foods, right?
Follow the Money _ David McWilliams _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für offside rule
1. The rules – even the offside rule – are straightforward.
2. ARTICLE If you don‘t understand football‘s offside rule, don‘t ask a man –– find a woman.
3. Offside rule Southampton University student Jonathan Dunne, 23, has invented a football tracking system to end controversial offside decisions.
4. "We are talking of regular matches and proper coaches," she says, "but we are busy women." Do they all understand the offside rule?
5. To add insult to injury, Mr Brown‘s allies managed to unearth past quotes in which Mr Cameron could not name the England goalkeeper and was vague about the offside rule.