proprietary - Definition. Was ist proprietary

Was (wer) ist proprietary - definition

Proprietary substances or products are sold under a trade name. (FORMAL)
...some proprietary brands of dog food...
We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.
? generic
If someone has a proprietary attitude towards something, they act as though they own it. (FORMAL)
Directors weren't allowed any proprietary airs about the product they made.
= proprietorial
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See Preprinter.
1. In marketroid-speak, superior; implies a product imbued with exclusive magic by the unmatched brilliance of the company's own hardware or software designers. 2. In the language of hackers and users, inferior; implies a product not conforming to open-systems standards, and thus one that puts the customer at the mercy of a vendor who can inflate service and upgrade charges after the initial sale has locked the customer in. [Jargon File]
Aussprachebeispiele für proprietary
1. are proprietary.
The Glass Cage - Automation and Us _ Nicholas Carr _ Talks at Google
2. proprietary air.
Walkaway _ Cory Doctorow _ Talks at Google
3. Free or proprietary, because how can you be free proprietary?
Martin _ Talks at Google
4. kind of proprietary.
Owner of Chinatown Ice Cream Factory CICF _ Christina Seid _ Talks at Google
5. There's no proprietary software.
The Little Book that Builds Wealth _ Pat Dorsey _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für proprietary
1. Silberg said that was proprietary business information.
2. His air was not disrespectful, but it was vaguely proprietary.
3. Indians are keen to assert their proprietary rights over Kashmir.
4. He remains head of proprietary trading and principal investment.
5. The agreements should clearly define confidential and proprietary information.