stubroutine - Definition. Was ist stubroutine

Was (wer) ist stubroutine - definition

/stuhb'roo-teen/ [contraction of "stub subroutine"] Tiny, often vacuous placeholder for a subroutine that is to be written or fleshed out later. [Jargon File]
A stubroutine (also known as a stub function, null script, null subroutine, or null function) is a command script or program subroutine which does nothing but return a constant value. They are used during program development, where the functional implementation of routines is delayed while other routines are developed.


A stubroutine (also known as a stub function, null script, null subroutine, or null function) is a command script or program subroutine which does nothing but return a constant value. They are used during program development, where the functional implementation of routines is delayed while other routines are developed.