subscript - Definition. Was ist subscript

Was (wer) ist subscript - definition

Double-subscript notation; Double superscript notation; Double-superscript notation; Double subscript; Double-subscript

·noun Anything written below.
II. Subscript ·adj Written below or underneath; as, iota subscript. (·see under Iota.) Specifically (Math.), said of marks, figures, or letters (suffixes), written below and usually to the right of other letters to distinguish them; as, a, n, 2, in the symbols Xa, An, Y2. ·see Suffix, ·noun, 2, and Subindex.
¦ adjective (of a letter, figure, or symbol) written or printed below the line.
¦ noun a subscript letter, figure, or symbol.
Double subscript notation         
In engineering, double-subscript notation is notation used to indicate some variable between two points (each point being represented by one of the subscripts). In electronics, the notation is usually used to indicate the direction of current or voltage, while in mechanical engineering it is sometimes used to describe the force or stress between two points, and sometimes even a component that spans between two points (like a beam on a bridge or truss).


Double subscript notation

In engineering, double-subscript notation is notation used to indicate some variable between two points (each point being represented by one of the subscripts). In electronics, the notation is usually used to indicate the direction of current or voltage, while in mechanical engineering it is sometimes used to describe the force or stress between two points, and sometimes even a component that spans between two points (like a beam on a bridge or truss). Note that, although there are many cases where multiple subscripts are used, they are not necessarily called double subscript notation specifically.

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