Fama (película); FAMA (película); FAMA (pelicula); Fama (pelicula)
= record, reputation, fame, limelight, acclaim, visibility, notoriety, renown, glory days, kudos.
Ex: She urges a boycott of California as a library conference venue until the state improves its current record of the worst school library provision in the US.
Ex: Various publishers have reputations for specific styles, subject areas or works for specific audiences.
Ex: Maybe when that young author looks back in a few years" time, she"ll realize just how much more she got out of it than a bit of fun and fame.
Ex: An enquirer upstaged by a virtuoso parade of knowledge may be unwilling to venture into the limelight again.
Ex: In effect, the book started its life rather more as a light entertainment middle-of-the-range hardback autobiography but popular acclaim turned it into a huge mass-market paperback success.
Ex: The new director considers that there is need for recruitment of librarians from all backgrounds into the profession and that librarianship needs higher visibility within society.
Ex: The article is entitled "Ingratiating yourself to all and sundry or how I crawled my way to notoriety".
Ex: Deceased persons of high renown in these fields will also be included.
Ex: The author of "Glory days or the lure of scientific misconduct" looks at fabrication, falsification and plagiarism in scientific research.
Ex: Authors who succeed in this category are people who do not worry too much about the lack of literary kudos, but who can write, and seem to enjoy writing, fairly simple stories for a wide audience whose pure enjoyment of the books is sufficient.
* adquirir fama = achieve + notoriety.
* alcanzar la fama = rise to + stardom, reach + stardom.
* atribuirse la fama = take + the credit (for).
* buena fama = well respected, good repute, good reputation.
* buscar la fama = grab at + a headline.
* camino hacia la fama = road to stardom.
* con buena fama = respected.
* con mala fama = disreputable.
* cumbre de la fama, la = pinnacle of renown, the, pinnacle of fame, the.
* de buena fama = of good repute.
* de fama = of note.
* de fama internacional = of international renown.
* de fama mundial = world-renowned, internationally renowned, world-renown.
* de la fama al olvido = riches to rags.
* de mala fama = of bad repute.
* describir el ascenso a la fama de = chart + the rise of.
* evitar la fama = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
* fama ajena = reflected glory.
* fama + preceder = Posesivo + fame + precede + Nombre.
* ganar fama = win + fame.
* ganarse la fama de = earn + a reputation as.
* llevarse la fama = take + the credit (for).
* mala fama = ill-repute, bad repute, bad reputation, ill reputation.
* pináculo de la fama, el = pinnacle of fame, the, pinnacle of renown, the.
* tener la fama de = have + a good record for.
* tener mala fama por = hold in + disrepute, be infamous for.