Procesado de alimentos; Procesado y conservacion de los alimentos; Alimento procesado; Procesado y conservación de los alimentos; Preparación; Procesamiento de alimentos
= preparation, preparation, training, priming, preparedness, coaching, readiness, grooming.
Ex: Management of data bases includes such details as: keeping sufficient supplies of floppy discs, updating the data bases, keeping duplicate copies of the data bases, preparation of instruction guides and so on.
Ex: A study then of the underlying features of the classification process and the components of a classification scheme is a preparation for the more critical and informed application of classification schemes.
Ex: The user must become familiar with the facilities of this search software, and therefore may need more training than that which might be necessary for the retrieval of information in a data base which has been indexed with a controlled indexing language.
Ex: The fluid-control button should then be moved to the "on" position and the priming button pressed several times.
Ex: Recommendations are made for potential public library involvement in the four phases of comprehensive emergency management: mitigation/long-term prevention, preparedness to respond, response to emergencies, and the recovery.
Ex: Proofreaders are trained by coaching, as are editors.
Ex: A readiness and a trend towards consistency is a prerequisite to the success of centralised cataloguing.
Ex: Let's face it, personal grooming is the key to success, in business or in your social life.
* en preparación = in the pipeline, under preparation.
* falta de preparación = unpreparedness.
* industria para la preparación de alimentos = food processing industry.
* manual de preparación = training manual.
* no tener la preparación = be untrained.
* preparación automática de resúmenes = automatic abstracting.
* preparación contra desastres = disaster preparedness.
* preparación contra emergencias = disaster preparedness.
* preparación contra emergencias a nivel nacional = domestic preparedness.
* preparación contra siniestros = disaster preparedness.
* preparación de alimentos = food processing, processing.
* preparación de los datos = data preparation.
* preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos = land-clearing.
* preparación física = training.
* preparación para el futuro = future proofing.
* preparación para las emergencias = emergency preparedness.
* preparación tipográfica = copymarking, copy editing [copyediting].
* recibir preparación = undergo + training.
* servicio de preparación = training facility.