= antiquated, backwater, out of date [out-of-date], outdated [out-dated], stale, old-fashioned, outworn, musty [mustier -comp., mustiest -sup.], timed, fossilised [fossilized, -USA], passé, atavistic, moth-eaten, mothy [mothier -comp., mothiest -sup.], dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.], fuddy-duddy.
Nota: Adjetivo.
Ex: Almost without exception these problems occurred in libraries with antiquated or inadequate ventilation without air-conditioning.
Ex: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.
Ex: It is for this reason that many special libraries have constructed their own indexing language; they have avoided being tied to a possibly out of date published list.
Ex: For example, the outdated subject heading "Female emancipation" could be changed to the newer term "Women's liberation" with this function.
Ex: Does the library continue a stale tradition, or does it interpret social change?.
Ex: One is tempted to say that the enthusiasts for postcoordinate systems, being forced to admit reluctantly that control was necessary, couldn"t bear to use the old-fashioned term "list of subject headings".
Ex: This advertisement was part of a publicity campaign which was based on a presentation of Europe so outworn as to be almost meaningless.
Ex: Only if we continuously redefine our goals in accordance with the developments in our societies will we remain dynamic libraries and not turn into musty institutions.
Ex: Librarians need to be vociferous about achievements and services offered in order to dispel ideas about the stereotype librarian, timed and out of touch with contemporary society.
Ex: The article deals with matters of image and status, professional associations, cultural policies, collections, censorship, outdated infrastructure and fossilised mentalities.
Ex: By conscious or unconscious fixation on this single, already passé, facet of data processing technology we risk totally ignoring the other functions of a catalog.
Ex: Teaching lost its status when education became secularized as a tool for economic mobility, when concerns for the spiritual became embarrassingly atavistic.
Ex: He said: "The outer shell of democracy is, no doubt, intact but it appears to be moth-eaten from inside".
Ex: So, he cleaned the bird cage from top to bottom and threw out all the mothy bird seed.
Ex: This article shows how the dowdy and boring image of the stereotypical librarian as presented in fiction, taints the portrayal of all who work in libraries.
Ex: According to him, tea as a category has lacked innovation and upgradation in recent years and hence has a very fuddy-duddy image.
* estar anticuado = dated.
* estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
* quedarse anticuado = date.