manejar - Bedeutung, Definition, Übersetzung, Aussprache
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manejar (spanisch) - Bedeutung, Definition, Übersetzung, Aussprache

Part of Speech




Meanings and Usage

"Manejar" means "to drive" in Spanish. It is a common verb used in both oral and written contexts. This verb is frequently used in daily conversations and written texts, as driving is a common activity. It is an essential verb for describing actions related to operating a vehicle.

Verb Tenses


The gerund form of "manejar" is "manejando."


Idiomatic Expressions

"Manejar" is also commonly used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish: 1. Manejar un tema: To handle or deal with a topic (German: Ein Thema behandeln) - No sé manejar este tema con él. 2. Manejar las emociones: To control emotions (German: Emotionen kontrollieren) - Necesito aprender a manejar mis emociones. 3. Manejar una situación: To manage a situation (German: Eine Situation handhaben) - ¿Cómo manejarías tú esta situación? 4. Manejar información confidencial: To handle confidential information (German: Vertrauliche Informationen behandeln) - Es importante saber manejar la información confidencial. 5. Manejar el estrés: To manage stress (German: Stress bewältigen) - Aprende a manejar el estrés para tener una vida más saludable.


The word "manejar" comes from the Latin "manuāre," which means "to handle or manage."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Conducir (to drive) - Pilotar (to pilot) - Dirigir (to direct)

Antonyms: - Estar parado/a (to be stationary) - Detenerse (to stop) - Inmovilizarse (to immobilize)